Binary Representation of a number represents a point (vertex) in the N-th dimensional hyper-cube (N is the number of bits used to represent the number in binary form ) . Eg. point 3(011) and 5(101) are shown in 3-dimensional figure. As the value of points increases, number of axes to represent it in the hyper-cube increases .
Given an N-th dimensional hyper-cube and an array (of size n ) of selected points from the cube  . We select its complementary point from the cube . We call communication between these points " GOOD " if the distance between given point and its complementary point is maximum . Distance between two points is defined as the bitwise XOR of two points . Let this complementary point be M . The cost of building communication between them is given by
 Cost = 2 ^ (n) ; where n is position of unset bit which is at farthest distance from MSB in M
To decrease the cost we have two operations :
Type1: ' q l r ' :- it returns the point which has minimum cost of building the communication . In case there are multiple answers , print the point with minimun value 
Type2: ' u x y ' :- update the point at index x with value y 
NOTE:- ' l r x ' are according to 1-based indexing 
1 <= T <= 20
1 <= n , q <= 105
1 <= array elements <= 109
Input:  First Line contains number of test cases. Next Line contains n and q representing size of array and number of operations . Next line contains array elements . Next q lines operations of type1 and type2 in the specified format 
Output: Give answer of the required type in new lines .
3 3
2 3 4   
q 1 3
u 2 5
q 1 2

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Binary Representation of a number represents a point (vertex) in the N-th dimensional hyper-cube (N is the number of bits used to represent the number in binary form ) . Eg. point 3(011) and 5(101) are shown in 3-dimensional cube in the figure. As the value of points increases, number of axes to represent it in the hyper-cube increases .


Given an N-th dimensional hyper-cube and an array (of size n ) of selected points from the cube  . We select its complementary point from the cube . We call communication between these points " GOOD " if the distance between given point and its complementary point is maximum . Distance between two points is defined as the bitwise XOR of two points . Let this complementary point be M . The cost of building communication between them is given by


 Cost = 2 (n) ; where n is position of unset bit which is at farthest distance from MSB in M


To decrease the cost we have two operations :


Type1: ' q l r ' :- we select two positions l and r from the array. Output the point from the array, between the smaller and larger position being selected , which has minimum cost of building the communication .In case there are multiple answers , print the point with minimun value 


Type2: ' u x y ' :- update the point at index x with value y 


NOTE:- ' l r x ' are according to 1-based indexing (1 <= l,r <= n) 




1 <= T <= 20


1 <= n , q <= 105


1 <= array elements <= 109


Input:  First Line contains number of test cases. Next Line contains n and q representing size of array and number of operations . Next line contains array elements . Next q lines operations of type1 and type2 in the specified format 


Output: Give answer of the required type in new lines .









3 3


2 3 4   


q 1 3


u 2 5


q 1 2

