#CS345A1. Red Blue Line Segments

Red Blue Line Segments

There are n vertical line segments colored red and there are n horizontal line segments colored blue.
We wish to find the number of red-blue pairs of intersecting segments.

Red Blue segments in a unit square

These line segments are inside a unit square. Each blue segment is created by generating 3 random numbers (x_1, x_2, y) in the interval [0, 1]. These 3 numbers represent the segment joining (x_1, y) and (x_2, y). Red segments are generated similarly.


First line contains the number of segments n (n <= 100000)

next n lines define the blue segments. Each line contains 3 floating point numbers (in [0, 1]) x_1 x_2 y representing the segment joining (x_1, y) and (x_2, y).

next n lines define the red segments. Each line contains 3 floating point numbers (in [0, 1]) y_1 y_2 x representing the segment joining (x, y_1) and (x, y_2).


Print a single line containing the number of intersections.

Note: Toucing line segments also count as intersecting. For ex - blue segment joining (0.1, 0.2) and (0.3, 0.2) intersects with red segment joining (0.3, 0.4) and (0.3, 0.2).


0.36295 0.557494 0.184032
0.0479258 0.214097 0.508344
0.234284 0.969098 0.739363
0.499323 0.739797 0.138495
0.829265 0.22551 0.290582
0.791082 0.069214 0.450979

Output: 4
