#BUNNIES. Bunnies



Pompom bunny has N strange eggs. The i-th egg is broken by tapping it exactly Ai times. Pompom
needs to break K eggs as soon as possible for cooking a rice omelet. However she has been put in an
uncomfortable situation. Someone has shuffled the eggs! Pompom knows the values Ai, however she
doesn't know which egg is which. She'd like to minimize the worst-case number of taps. What is the
minimal number?


Pompom bunny has N strange eggs. The i-th egg is broken by tapping it exactly Ai times. Pompom

needs to break K eggs as soon as possible for cooking a rice omelet. However she has been put in an

uncomfortable situation. Someone has shuffled the eggs! Pompom knows the values Ai, however she

doesn't know which egg is which. She'd like to minimize the worst-case number of taps. What is the

minimal number?





The first line contains an integer T, the number of test cases. Then T test cases follow. The first line for

each test case has 2 integers N and K. Then next line has N integers A1, A2, ..., AN.




For each test case, print the minimal number of taps for the worst-case.



1 <= T <= 10

1 <= K <= N <= 3000

1 <= Ai <= 1000000 (106)





2 1
5 8
2 1
5 58
3 2
1 2 3
Output details
In the first case, if a egg isn't broken after 5 taps, she should continue to tap the same egg.
In the second case, if a egg isn't broken after 5 taps, she should tap another egg 5 times.