#P3476. A Game with Colored Balls

A Game with Colored Balls


Given a chain of N (1 ≤ N ≤ 106) balls colored either red (‘R’), green (‘G’) or blue (‘B’) and numbered sequentially 1 through N from left to right, a game proceeds as follows:

  1. Pick the leftmost segment containing the largest number of consecutive balls of the same color.
  2. If the segment contains only one ball, the game ends; otherwise dislodge it from the chain. If the remaining balls are broken into two chains, join them maintaining their order.
  3. Report the color and numbers of the removed balls.
  4. Go back to step 1 if any balls remain.

Write a program to simulate the process of a game.


The input contains only a string of ‘R’s, ‘G’s and ‘B’s representing the balls in the chain from left to right.


For each segment dislodged, output whatever is reported following the sample output’s example.

B 4 5 6
R 2 3 7 8
G 1 9


POJ Founder Monthly Contest – 2007.12.30

, frkstyc