#P2129. Invariant Polynomials

Invariant Polynomials


Consider a real polynomial P (x, y) in two variables. It is called invariant with respect to the rotation

by an angle α if
P (x cos α - y sin α, x sin α + y cos α) = P (x, y)

for all real x and y. Let's consider the real vector space formed by all polynomials in two variables of degree not greater than d invariant with respect to the rotation by 2π/n. Your task is to calculate the dimension of this vector space. You might find useful the following remark: Any polynomial of degree not greater than d can be uniquely written in form
P (x, y) = Σi,j>=0,i+j<=daijxiyj

for some real coefficients aij



The input contains two positive integers d and n separated by one space. It is guaranteed that they are less than one thousand.


Output a single integer M which is the dimension of the vector space described.

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Northeastern Europe 2003

, Northern Subregion