#P9857. [CCC 2008 J4] From Prefix to Postfix

[CCC 2008 J4] From Prefix to Postfix


Prefix notation is a non-conventional notation for writing arithmetic expressions. The standard way of writing arithmetic expressions, also known as infix notation, positions a binary operator between the operands, e.g., 3+43 + 4, while in prefix notation the operator is positioned before the operands, e.g., ++ 33 44. Similarly, the prefix notation for 55 - 22 is - 55 22. A nice property of prefix expressions with binary operators is that parentheses are not required since there is no ambiguity about the order of operations. For example, the prefix representation of 5(42)5 - (4 - 2) is 5-5 - 44 22, while the prefix representation of (54)2(5 - 4) - 2 is - - 55 44 22. The prefix notation is also known as Polish notation, due to Jan Łukasiewicz, a Polish logician, who invented it around 19201920.

Similarly, in postfix notation, orreverse Polish notation, the operator is positioned after the operands.

For example, postfix representation of the infix expression (54)2(5 - 4) - 2 is 55 44 - 22 -. Your task is to write a program that translates a prefix arithmetic expression into a postfix arithmetic expression.


Each line contains an arithmetic prefix expression. The operators are ++ and -, and numbers are all single-digit decimal numbers. The operators and numbers are separated by exactly one space with no leading spaces on the line. The end of input is marked by 00 on a single line. You can assume that each input line contains a valid prefix expression with less than 2020 operators.


Translate each expression into postfix notation and produce it on a separate line. The numbers and operators are separated by at least one space. The final 00 is not translated.



每个表达式运算符个数小于等于 2020


在书写正常算式 (54)2(5 - 4) - 2 时,如果要将其改成前缀表达式,就是 - - 55 44 22,而改写成逆波兰表达式,就是 55 44 - 22 -

注意本题有多组数据,每次当你读入到 00 时,视为结束程序。

+ 1 2
- 2 2
+ 2 - 2 1
- - 3 + 2 1 9
1 2 +
2 2 -
2 2 1 - +
3 2 1 + - 9 -