#P9125. [USACO23FEB] Cow-libi S

[USACO23FEB] Cow-libi S


Note: The time limit for this problem is 4s, two times the default.

Somebody has been grazing in Farmer John's G(1G105)G(1 \le G \le 10^5) private gardens! Using his expert forensic knowledge, FJ has been able to determine the precise time each garden was grazed. He has also determined that there was a single cow that was responsible for every grazing incident.

In response to these crimes each of FJ's N(1N105)N(1 \le N \le 10^5) cows have provided an alibi that proves the cow was in a specific location at a specific time. Help FJ test whether each of these alibis demonstrates the cow's innocence.

A cow can be determined to be innocent if it is impossible for her to have travelled between all of the grazings and her alibi. Cows travel at a rate of 11 unit distance per unit time.


The first line of input will contain GG and NN separated by a space.

The next GG lines contain the integers x,yx, y, and t(109x,y109;0t109)t (−10^9 \le x,y \le 10^9;0 \le t \le 10^9)

separated by a space describing the location and time of the grazing. It will always be possible for a single cow to travel between all grazings.

The next NN lines contain xx, yy, and t(109x,y109;0t109)t(−10^9 \le x,y \le 10^9;0 \le t \le 10^9) separated by a space describing the location and time of each cow's alibi.


Output a single integer: the number of cows with alibis that prove their innocence.



gg 处抓握,第 ii 处抓握如 $(x_i,y_i,t_i)(-10^9\leq x_i,y_i\leq 10^9,0\leq t_i\leq 10^9)$,表示 tit_i 时刻 (xi,yi)(x_i,y_i) 有一处抓握,FJ 抓到了 nn 头嫌疑奶牛,每头奶牛都提供了如 (xj,yj,tj)(x_j,y_j,t_j) 的证词,表示它 tjt_j 时刻在 (xj,yj)(x_j,y_j),一头奶牛一个单位时间可以移动一个单位距离,奶牛可以洗脱自己的清白,当且仅当它没有足够的时间作出所有的抓握,即,只要它没有足够的时间从它提供的证词的时刻到达随便一个抓握处,它就是清白的。



第一行输入 g,ng,n

接下来 gg 行每行三个整数 xi,yi,tix_i,y_i,t_i 表示一处抓握。

接下来 nn 行每行三个整数 xj,yj,tjx_j,y_j,t_j 表示一个证词。



2 4
0 0 100
50 0 200
0 50 50
1000 1000 0
50 0 200
10 0 170


Explanation for Sample 1

There were two grazings; the first at (0,0)(0,0) at time 100 and the second at (50,0)(50,0) at time 200200.

The first cow's alibi does not prove her innocence. She has just enough time to arrive at the first grazing.

The second cow's alibi does prove her innocence. She is nowhere near any of the grazings.

Unfortunately for the third cow, being at the scene of the crime does not prove innocence.

Finally, the fourth cow is innocent because it's impossible to make it from her alibi to the final grazing in time.


  • Inputs 242-4: 1G,N1031 \le G,N \le 10^3. Also, for both the fields and alibis, 106x,y106−10^6 \le x,y \le 10^6 and 0t1060 \le t \le 10^6.
  • Inputs 5115-11: No additional constraints.