#P7941. 「Wdcfr-1」Magical Expression

「Wdcfr-1」Magical Expression


Nitori is learning postfix expressions. She has a incomplete postfix expression EE of length nn. Being a Youkai, she wants to find its magical property.

Her postfix expression contains the Bitwise Or operator (denoted as |), the Bitwise And operator (denoted as &), and numbers 0 and 1. Being incomplete, some operators have not been decided yet and are denoted as ?. She promised that EE will become a vaild postfix expression after you complete it.

In this problem, the term substring is defined as a continuous segment of EE. Two substrings are considered different as long as their positions or length differ. So 1?0, 01?0 are all substrings of 01?01?| , but 0101 is not.

Nitori found out that a substring of her expression is magical if and only if the following conditions are met:

  • It is possible to transform it into a valid postfix expression after replacing ? with either & or | .
  • Among these transformations, it is possible to find at least one of them that after applying it, the expression yields 00, and at least one of them that after applying it, the expression yields 11.

Your task is to find out the number of magical substrings.


The first line contains an integer TT, the number of test cases.

For each test case, input one integer nn and an expression EE in a single line.


For each test case, print one integer which is the answer.


给定一个合法的含 |&?01 的后缀表达式(以字符串形式给出,其为“合法的”代表将所有 ? 替换为运算符后其会成为一个合法的后缀表达式),试求出其有多少个子串满足:

  • 将所有的 ? 替换成 |& 后,该串为合法的后缀表达式;
  • 存在一种将所有的 ? 替换成 |& 的方法使得该式所得结果为 00,同时也存在替换方法使得结果为 11


3 01?
7 01?01?|



1T,n2×1061\le T,n\le 2\times 10^6. The sum of nn of all test cases 2×106\le 2\times 10^6.