#P7081. [NWRRC2013] Correcting Curiosity

[NWRRC2013] Correcting Curiosity


Curiosity is the rover that explores the Gale Crater on Mars. Recently it found an evidence of water in Martian soil, which will make it easier to plan the future manned missions.   

Curiosity can communicate with Earth directly at speeds up to 32Kbit/s32 Kbit/s , but on average 1414 minutes and 66 seconds will be required for signals to travel between Earth and Mars.

You have just seen a stone and applied brakes, but you know that the rover is already passing that stone -- Matt Heverly, the rover's driver, explains. So we just plan the route, then write down a list of simple textual commands: move one meter ahead, turn left, make a photo and so on.

Sometimes it is necessary to react very fast to some unexpected events. For example, if the cameras have seen something interesting, then you might want to change the route of the rover to make an additional photo. To do that, you send a substitution command of the form s/string/replacement/gs/〈string〉/〈replacement〉/g . This replaces all occurrences of string,〈string〉, starting with the leftmost one, to replacement.〈replacement〉.

More formally, if A is a non-empty string and BB is a string, then to apply the substitution command s/A/B/gs/A/B/g to a string SS , you should do the following:

Find the leftmost occurrence of A in SS , such that S=S = SL ++ A ++ SR.

If there is no such occurrence, stop. Then, SS is the answer.

Let RR be the result of applying s/A/B/gs/A/B/g to SR.

The answer is SL +B+R+ B + R .

This means that:

If there are two overlapping occurrences of A in SS , only the leftmost one is replaced. For example, applying s/aba/c/g`s/aba/c/g` to abababa yields cbc: after replacing the first occurrence of aba the string turns to cbaba, and only the last occurrence of aba can be replaced after that.

No substitution uses the results of previous substitutions. For example, applying s/a/ab/g`s/a/ab/g` to a yields ab, applying s/a/ba/g`s/a/ba/g` to a yields ba.

You know that the longer is the command, the bigger is the time necessary to transmit it. So, you have to write a program that finds shortest command that transforms the initial string to the final string.


The first line contains the initial and the final strings. Both strings are non-empty and their lengths do not exceed 20002000 characters. The strings contain only English letters, spaces and punctuation signs (commas, colons, semicolons and hyphens: ,,:,;,).‘,', ‘:', ‘;', ‘-'). The given strings are not equal.


Output the substitution command that transforms initial string to final string and has the minimum length. If there are several shortest substitution commands, output any of them.


[NWRRC2013] Correcting Curiosity



“好奇号”可以用高达32Kbit/s32 Kbit/s的速度与地球直接通信 ,但在地球和火星之间传输信号分别平均需要1414秒和66秒。

你刚刚看到一块石头并踩下了刹车,但你知道火星车已经经过那块石头了 -- 火星车司机Matt Heverly解释道。所以我们需要规划路线,然后写下一个简单的命令列表:如向前移动一米,左转,拍照等等.

有时你有必要对一些突发事件做出非常迅速的反应。例如,当相机看到了一些有趣的东西,那么你可能会想改变火星车的路线来拍摄的照片。为此,您需要发送一个形式为 s/string/replacement/gs/〈string〉/〈replacement〉/g . 这将替换所有出现的 string,〈string〉, 从最左边的开始, 到 replacement.〈replacement〉.

更确切地说,如果A是非空字符串,而BB是字符串, 则要将替换命令s/A/B/gs/A/B/g应用于字符串ss,执行以下操作:






如果在SS中有两个重叠的A,那么只替换最左边的一个。例如,将s/aba/c/g`s/aba/c/g`应用于abababa会产生cbc:在替换第一个aba 之后,字符串将变为cbaba ,在此之后只能替换最后一个出现的aba







样例 #1

样例输入 #1

move left, move right; move up
move left, move down, move up

样例输出 #1


样例 #2

样例输入 #2

If not found: move x; else move -x
If found: move x; else move -x

样例输出 #2

s/ not//g

样例 #3

样例输入 #3


样例输出 #3



时间限制: 2 s, 内存限制: 256 MB.

move left, move right; move up
move left, move down, move up


If not found: move x; else move -x
If found: move x; else move -x

s/ not//g




Time limit: 2 s, Memory limit: 256 MB.