#P6989. [NEERC2014] Epic Win!

[NEERC2014] Epic Win!


A game of rock-paper-scissors is played by two players who simultaneously show out their moves: Rock, Paper , or Scissors. If their moves are the same, it's a draw. Otherwise, Rock beats Scissors, Paper beats Rock, and Scissors beat Paper .

The described procedure can be repeated many times. In this problem, two Finite State Machines (FSMs) will compete in a series of rounds. (Formally speaking, by FSMs we mean Moore machines in this problem. )

An FSM for playing rock-paper-scissors has finitely many states. Each state is described by the following: what move the FSM will make in the upcoming round, and what will be the new state in case of its opponent playing Rock, Paper , and Scissors.

Fortunately, you know your opponent FSM -- the entire scheme except for one thing: you do not know the initial state of that FSM.

Your task is to design your own FSM to fight the given one. Your FSM must beat the opponent in at least 99%99\% of the first 11 billion rounds. That's what we call an epic win!


The input file contains a description of the opponent FSM in the following format.

The first line contains an integer n(1n100)n (1 \le n \le 100) -- the number of states in the FSM. States are numbered from 11 to nn . Each of the following nn lines contains a description of the state: a character cic_{i} denoting the move made by FSM and integers ri,pi,sir_{i}, p_{i}, s_{i} denoting the next state in case of seeing Rock, Paper, or Scissors respectively (ci(c_{i} can be R, P, or S; 1ri,pi,sin1 \le r_{i}, p_{i}, s_{i} \le n


Write to the output the description of your FSM in the same format.

The initial state of your FSM is the first state.

The number of states may not exceed 5000050 000 .




上述过程可以重复多次。在本题中,两台有限状态自动机(Finite State Machines,FSM)将游玩多轮「石头、剪子、布」(准确地说,本题中的 FSM 特指 Moore 状态机)。

一台被设计用来游玩「石头、剪子、布」的 FSM 有着有限的状态。每个状态由以下信息描述:下一轮中本台自动机将会出示怎样的行动,以及当下一轮中对手出示了石头剪子、或时应该转移到的新状态。

幸运的是,你知道对手的 FSM:你知道它所有的结构,但唯独不知道它的初始状态。

你的任务是设计一台你自己的 FSM 去和对手的进行对战。你的 FSM 必须在前十亿(109{10}^9)轮中打败对手至少 99%99 \% 轮。这就是所谓的史诗般的胜利(epic win)!


从标准输入中读入对对手的 FSM 的描述,按如下格式:

第一行一个正整数 nn,表示 FSM 中的状态数。所有状态从 11nn 编号。

接下来 nn 行,每行描述一个状态:一个字符 cic_i 以及三个正整数 ri,pi,sir_i, p_i, s_i,分别表示该状态的行动、以及当对手出示了石头、或剪子后应该转移到的新状态的编号,其中 cic_i 只可能为 {R,P,S}\{\texttt{R}, \texttt{P}, \texttt{S}\} 之一,如果为 R\texttt{R} 则意味着行动为出示石头,如果为 P\texttt{P} 则意味着行动为出示,如果为 S\texttt{S} 行动为出示剪子


将你设计的 FSM 以相同格式输出到标准输出中。

你的 FSM 的初始状态是 11 号状态。

你的 FSM 的状态数量不应超过 5000050000


题目描述中的图片显示了样例输入中给出的对手的 FSM,以及样例输出中给出的一个你的 FSM。

对手的 FSM 持续出示石头(取决于初始状态)直到它接收到剪子:接收到剪子将导致它的行为改变。

一种打败这样的 FSM 的方法是出示。如果对手持续出示石头,只需继续出示即可胜利。如果对手出示了,通过出示一次剪子让它的行为改变,接下来它就会持续出示石头,然后你就可以用打败它了。


对于全部数据,1n1001 \le n \le 100ci{R,P,S}c_i \in \{\texttt{R}, \texttt{P}, \texttt{S}\}1ri,pi,sin1 \le r_i, p_i, s_i \le n

翻译来源:IOI 2021 集训队第一部分作业,PinkRabbit。

R 1 1 2
P 2 2 1

P 1 2 1
S 1 1 1


Time limit: 1 s, Memory limit: 256 MB.