#P6901. [ICPC2014 WF] skiing

[ICPC2014 WF] skiing


As you know, the ACM ICPC is not the only major sporting event taking place in Russia this year. Several months ago, the 2014 Winter Olympics were held in Sochi, which is about 3 000 km from Ekaterinburg.

In an increasing number of sports, it is not only the ability of the athletes that determines who wins a competition but also their equipment. For example in downhill skiing, having the latest ski technology enables athletes to increase their speeds and improve their turning ability.

You have been hired to determine the effect of the latest ski technology on the ability of skiers to navigate a downhill course. The course contains several target locations, and the skier wants to pass over as many of them as possible. Naturally, the better the ski technology, the easier it will be to do this.

For simplicity, use a two-dimensional coordinate system where the skier starts at position (0,0) and where “downhill” corresponds to the direction of the positive yy-axis.

Assume the yy-component of the athlete’s velocity is a constant vyv_ y. The athlete can change speed laterally (in the xx-direction), but the skiing equipment limits this to a maximal lateral acceleration amaxa_{max}. The skier starts with a lateral velocity of 0.

Figure 1: Downhill ski path passing over three targets

In Figure 1 (which corresponds to the first sample input), the optimal path passes over three out of four possible targets. If amaxa_{max} were smaller, then the skier might be able to pass over only two or fewer of the targets.


The input contains a single test case. The first line contains three integers nn, vyv_ y, and amaxa_{max} (0n2500 \leq n \leq 250, 0<vy1050 < v_ y \leq 10^5 and 0amax1070 \leq a_{max} \leq 10^7), where nn is the number of targets, vyv_ y is the yy-component of the skier’s velocity, and amaxa_{max} is the maximum lateral acceleration. Here vyv_ y is given in meters per hour and amaxa_{max} in meters per hour squared.

Following this are nn lines, each containing two integers xix_ i and yiy_ i (105xi,yi105-10^5 \leq x_ i, y_ i \leq 10^5). These give the coordinates of each target to be visited on the course. All coordinates are given in meters. Targets are numbered 1, 2, ..., nn in the order they are given.


Display the maximal-length sequence of targets that the athlete could pass over on the course in a single run. Display the targets in the order they are visited. If there are multiple maximal-length sequences, display only the lexicographically first one. (So the sequence 2 15 would come before the sequence 10 15.) If the athlete cannot pass over any targets, print Cannot visit any targets instead.

To ensure floating-point stability, you may assume the answer will not change if amaxa_{max} is perturbed by up to 0.1.



滑雪运动员进行的一次训练可以看作平面上一条从 (0,0)(0, 0) 出发的曲线,这条曲线在 yy 轴正方向上的速度vyv_y,由于装备限制,在 xx 轴上的加速度不得超过 amaxa_{max}。滑雪运动员在 xx 轴上的速度从 00 开始。

在这一次训练中,滑雪运动员需要经过所有 nn 个目标点 (xi,yi)(x_i, y_i) 中尽可能多的目标点,现在他希望你通过控制他每一时刻的加速度,实现这个目标。


第一行三个整数 n,vy,amaxn, v_y, a_{max} 分别表示目标点数,yy 轴速度(米每秒)以及 xx 轴加速度上限(米每二次方秒)。

接下来 nn 行每行两个整数 x,yx, y 表示目标点的横坐标(米)以及纵坐标(米)。


按照目标点被经过的顺序输出最长的目标点序列。若有多个可能的答案,输出字典序最小的。若运动员不能经过任意一个目标点,输出 Cannot visit any targets

为了避免浮点误差,你可以假设对 amaxa_max 进行不超过 0.10.1 的扰动的情况下,答案不变。


$0\le n\le 250, 0\le v_y\le 10^5 , 0\le a_{max}\le 10^7 , −10^5\le x, y\le 10^5$ , 目标点编号从 1 开始。


4 100 400
-100 100
50 200
-100 300
150 300

1 2 4

1 100 100
1000 10

Cannot visit any targets


Time limit: 2000 ms, Memory limit: 1048576 kB.

International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC) World Finals 2014