#P4422. [COCI2017-2018#1] Deda

[COCI2017-2018#1] Deda


Little Marica is making up a nonsensical unusual fairy tale and is telling to her grandfather who keeps interrupting her and asking her stupid intriguing questions.

In Marica’s fairy tale, NN children, denoted with numbers from 11 to NN by their age (from the youngest denoted with 11, to the oldest denoted with NN), embarked on a train ride. The train leaves from the station 00 and stops in order at stations 1,2,31, 2, 3 \dots to infinity.

Each of the following Marica’s statements is of the form: “At stop X,child A got outAt\ stop\ X, child\ A\ got\ out”, where the order of these statements is completely arbitrary. In other words, it does not depend on the station order. Her grandfather sometimes asks a question of the form: “$\textit{ Based on the statements so far, of the children denoted with a number greater than or equal}\allowbreak\textit{ to B, who is the youngest child that rode for Y or less stops?}$” If at the moment the grandfather asks the question it hasn’t been said so far that a child is getting off the train, we assume that the child is riding for an infinite amount of stops.

Marica must give a correct answer to each of her grandfather’s questions, otherwise the grandfather will get mad and go to sleep. The answer must be correct in the moment when the grandfather asks the question, while it can change later given Marica’s new statements, but that doesn’t matter. Write a program that tracks Marica’s statements and answers her grandfather’s questions.


The first line of input contains the positive integers NN and QQ (2N,Q2×105)(2 \le N, Q \le 2 \times 10^{5}), the number of children and the number of statements. Each of the following QQ lines describes:

  • either Marica’s statement of the form M X A, where MM denotes Marica, and XX and AA are positive integers (1X109,1AN)(1 \le X \le 10^{9}, 1 \le A \le N) from the task,
  • or her grandfather’s question of the form D Y B, where DD denotes the grandfather, and YY and BB are positive integers (1Y109,1BN)(1 \le Y \le 10^{9}, 1 \le B \le N) from the task.

All of Marica’s statements correspond to different children and at least one line in the input is her grandfather’s question.


For each grandfather’s question, output the number of the required child in its own line. If no such child exists, output -1.




在小马里卡的故事中,有 NN 个年龄分别为 11~NN 岁的孩子(最小的为 11 岁,最大的为 NN 岁)。有一天,她们一起乘火车出去旅行。铁路线上有好多个车站,分别以 0,1,2,30, 1, 2, 3 \dots 编号。其中第 00 站为始发站,火车每到一个车站都会停下来逗留一段时间。每个孩子都可以在选择自己喜欢的车站下车。

小马里卡喜欢这样讲述她的故事:“在第 XX 站,年龄为 AA 岁的孩子下车了。”不过小马里卡的习惯非常不好,她讲述故事的顺序是完全随机的。换句话说,XX 是不单调的。爷爷知道小马里卡的坏习惯,所以他喜欢时不时问一些有趣的问题来找小马里的麻烦。问题是这样的:“年龄大于等于 BB 且在第 YY 站(包含第 YY 站)以前下车的最年轻的小孩是多大?”




输入的第一行包含两个正整数 N,Q (2N,Q2×105)N,Q\ (2 \le N,Q \le 2 \times 10^{5}),分别代表孩子的数量和语句的数量。

接下来 QQ 行,每行一个语句。语句的格式为 M X AD Y B,分别代表小马里卡的讲述和爷爷的问题。其中 MD 为大写字母,XXYYAABB (1X,Y109,1A,BN)(1 \le X,Y \le 10^{9},1 \le A,B \le N) 分别为一个正整数。其意义请见【题面描述】。题目中保证至少有一个 D


对于每一个问题 D 输出一个答案。答案为一个整数。如果爷爷的问题无解,请输出 -1

3 4
M 10 3
M 5 1
D 20 2
D 5 1


10 10
M 20 10
D 1 9
M 2 3
D 17 10
M 20 2
D 8 2
M 40 1
D 25 2
M 33 9
D 37 9
