#P4085. [USACO17DEC] Haybale Feast G

    ID: 3017 远端评测题 1000ms 125MiB 尝试: 0 已通过: 0 难度: 4 上传者: 标签>RMQ前缀和枚举暴力线段树USACO2017

[USACO17DEC] Haybale Feast G


Farmer John is preparing a delicious meal for his cows! In his barn, he has NN haybales (1N100,0001 \le N \le 100,000). The iith haybale has a certain flavor FiF_i (1Fi1091 \le F_i \le 10^9) and a certain spiciness SiS_i (1Si1091 \le S_i \le 10^9).

The meal will consist of a single course, being a contiguous interval containing one or more consecutive haybales (Farmer John cannot change the order of the haybales). The total flavor of the meal is the sum of the flavors in the interval. The spiciness of the meal is the maximum spiciness of all haybales in the interval.

Farmer John would like to determine the minimum spiciness his single-course meal could achieve, given that it must have a total flavor of at least MM (1M10181 \le M \le 10^{18}).


The first line contains the integers NN and MM, the number of haybales and the minimum total flavor the meal must have, respectively. The next NN lines describe the NN haybales with two integers per line, first the flavor FF and then the spiciness SS.


Please output the minimum spiciness in a single course meal that satisfies the minimum flavor requirement. There will always be at least one single-course meal that satisfies the flavor requirement.


题意:给定2个由N个数字组成的数列FF,SS,需要找到使得k=ijFkM\sum_{k=i}^{j}F_k\geqslant Mii,jj并输出在所有满足条件的ii,jj中,max(Si,Si+1,...Sj1,Sj)max(S_i,S_{i+1},...S_{j-1},S{j})的最小值。 翻译贡献者:Il_ItzABC_lI

5 10
4 10
6 15
3 5
4 9
3 6