#P2918. [USACO08NOV] Buying Hay S

[USACO08NOV] Buying Hay S


Farmer John is running out of supplies and needs to purchase H (1 <= H <= 50,000) pounds of hay for his cows.

He knows N (1 <= N <= 100) hay suppliers conveniently numbered 1..N. Supplier i sells packages that contain P_i (1 <= P_i <= 5,000) pounds of hay at a cost of C_i (1 <= C_i <= 5,000) dollars. Each supplier has an unlimited number of packages available, and the packages must be bought whole.

Help FJ by finding the minimum cost necessary to purchase at least H pounds of hay.

约翰的干草库存已经告罄,他打算为奶牛们采购 H(1H50000)H(1 \leq H \leq 50000) 磅干草。

他知道 N(1N100)N(1 \leq N\leq 100) 个干草公司,现在用 11NN 给它们编号。第 ii 公司卖的干草包重量为 Pi(1Pi5,000)P_i (1 \leq P_i \leq 5,000) 磅,需要的开销为 Ci(1Ci5,000)C_i (1 \leq C_i \leq 5,000) 美元。每个干草公司的货源都十分充足, 可以卖出无限多的干草包。

帮助约翰找到最小的开销来满足需要,即采购到至少 HH 磅干草。


* Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and H

* Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains two space-separated integers: P_i and C_i


* Line 1: A single integer representing the minimum cost FJ needs to pay to obtain at least H pounds of hay.

2 15 
3 2 
5 3 


FJ can buy three packages from the second supplier for a total cost of 9.