#P2914. [USACO08OCT] Power Failure G

[USACO08OCT] Power Failure G


A vicious thunderstorm has destroyed some of the wires of the farm's electrical power grid! Farmer John has a map of all NN (2N10002\le N \le 1000) of the powerpoles, which are conveniently numbered 1N1\ldots N and located on integer plane coordinates (xi,yi)(x_i,y_i) ($-100000 \le x_i \le 100000, -100000 \le y_i \le 100000$).

Some WW (1W100001 \le W \le 10000) power wires connect pairs of power poles PiP_i and PjP_j (1PiN,1PjN1 \le Pi \le N, 1 \le Pj \le N).

He needs to get power from pole 11 to pole NN (which means that some series of wires can traverse from pole 11 to pole NN, probably through some intermediate set of poles).

Given the locations of the NN poles and the list of remaining power wires, determine the minimum length of power wire required to restore the electrical connection so that electricity can flow from pole 11 to pole NN. No wire can be longer than some real number MM (0.0<M200000.00.0 < M \le 200000.0).

As an example, below on the left is a map of the 99 poles and 33 wires after the storm. For this task, M=2.0M = 2.0. The best set of wires to add would connect poles 44 and 66 and also poles 66 and 99.

   After the storm              Optimally reconnected
3  . . . 7 9 . . . . .          3  . . . 7 9 . . . . .
2  . . 5 6 . . . . . .          2  . . 5 6 . . . . . .
1  2-3-4 . 8 . . . . .          1  2-3-4 . 8 . . . . .
   |                               |
0  1 . . . . . . . . .          0  1 . . . . . . . . .

   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9             0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The total length is then 1.414213562+1.414213562=2.8284271241.414213562 + 1.414213562 = 2.828427124.



Line 11: Two space-separated integers: NN and WW.

Line 22: A single real number: MM.

Lines 3N+23\ldots N+2: Each line contains two space-separated integers: xix_i and yiy_i.

Lines N+3N+2+WN+3\ldots N+2+W: Two space-separated integers: PiP_i and PjP_j.


Line 1: A single integer on a single line. If restoring connection is impossible, output -1. Otherwise, output a single integer that is 10001000 times the total minimum cost to restoreelectricity. Do not perform any rounding; truncate the resulting product.


一场邪恶的暴风雨毁坏了农夫约翰的输电网中的一些电线!农夫约翰有一张包含了所有 nn2n10002\le n\le 1000)个电能中转点的地图,中转点编号为 1n1\ldots n,第 ii 个点的坐标为 (xi,yi)(x_i,y_i)100000xi100000,100000yi100000-100000\le x_i\le 100000,-100000\le y_i\le 100000)。

ww1<=w<=100001<=w<=10000)条电线仍然保存着没被暴风雨破坏,每条电线连接着两个电能中转点 pi,pjp_i,p_j1pin,1pjn1\le p_i\le n,1\le p_j\le n)。

他希望从第一个电能中转点把电导入第 nn 个(可能通过一些中间的电能中转点,应当有一组电线连接 11nn )。

给出 nn 个电能中转点的坐标和幸存的电线,请确定最少需要架设的电线总长度,但请注意,架设过程中,对于单条电线而言,其长度不应超过mm0.0m200000.00.0\le m\le 200000.0

给出一个例子,在下面,左边是一个包含 99 个电能中转电和 33 条幸存电线的地图。在这个任务中,规定 m=2.0m=2.0。最佳的架设方案是连接 6644,以及 6699

   After the storm              Optimally reconnected
3  . . . 7 9 . . . . .          3  . . . 7 9 . . . . .
2  . . 5 6 . . . . . .          2  . . 5 6 . . . . . .
1  2-3-4 . 8 . . . . .          1  2-3-4 . 8 . . . . .
   |                               |
0  1 . . . . . . . . .          0  1 . . . . . . . . .

   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9             0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

总长度是 1.414213562+1.414213562=2.8284271241.414213562 + 1.414213562 = 2.828427124

9 3 
0 0 
0 1 
1 1 
2 1 
2 2 
3 2 
3 3 
4 1 
4 3 
1 2 
2 3 
3 4 



Just as in the diagram above.

As above.