21 条题解

  • 3
    @ 2023-8-24 20:12:09
    #include <iostream>
    int main()
        long long int a, b;
        std::cin >> a >> b;
        std::cout << a + b;
        return 0;
    • 3
      @ 2023-2-13 19:56:02
      # include <bits/stdc++.h>
      using namespace std;
      int main() {
          long long a, b;
          cin >> a >> b;
          cout << a + b;
          return 0;

      额...... 这道题没什么可讲的吧......

      • 2
        @ 2023-10-14 13:50:56
        #include <bits/stdc++.h>
        using namespace std;
        int main()
            long long a,b;//十年OI一场空,不开long long见祖宗
            return 0;
        • 2
          @ 2022-5-6 22:13:11


          using namespace std;
          int main(){
              long long a,b;cin>>a>>b;cout<<a+b<<endl;
          • 1
            @ 2024-1-11 13:00:04


            using namespace std;
            int main(){
                long long a,b;
                return 0;


            • 1
              @ 2023-10-24 23:07:53
              # include <iostream>
              #include <stdio.h>
              using namespace std;
              int main() {
                  long long a, b;
                  cin >> a >> b;
                  cout << a + b;
                  return 0;
              • 1
                @ 2023-8-22 16:53:39
                using namespace std;
                int main(){
                	long long a,b;
                	return 0;
                • 1
                  @ 2023-8-12 14:44:39


                  #include <iostream>
                  using namespace std;
                  int main() {
                  	long long a, b;
                  	cin >> a >> b;
                  	cout << a + b;
                  	return 0;
                  • 0
                    @ 2023-12-5 17:00:54


                    输入两个数字 a,ba,b,输出 a+ba + b


                    OI\text{OI} 新手的提醒:

                    • 记得开 unsigned long long
                    • 主函数一定要 return 0


                    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
                    using namespace std;
                    int main() {
                       unsigned long long a, b;
                       cin >> a >> b;
                       cout << a + b << '\n';
                       return 0;
                    • 0
                      @ 2023-10-28 16:11:56
                      #define yuasfy7189dyjkwqafyi7ahakjsfgb872314fg7b8qgcrg4cagujbyrf67b4gs using
                      #define tqgyfduasyufasfg3814aw678f432yasd6f7g32yaw687f34fae6fuaafdsag86yg5234fg9gy namespace
                      #define ydwuiygtqffafyut34gf78bgasg67f8afgf4367ffasd1tygf9q67f342avs6f7ys6adfyvuyayhufd std
                      yuasfy7189dyjkwqafyi7ahakjsfgb872314fg7b8qgcrg4cagujbyrf67b4gs tqgyfduasyufasfg3814aw678f432yasd6f7g32yaw687f34fae6fuaafdsag86yg5234fg9gy ydwuiygtqffafyut34gf78bgasg67f8afgf4367ffasd1tygf9q67f342avs6f7ys6adfyvuyayhufd;
                      #define ttttyuasfgqewrgvbdfchjafashgfjq3uy long
                      #define fgtdhsajfgejykfgyagsdgyfkafgrewgfasdtasasdjksdaf 0
                      #define uyftgdasjkhfgadsyufsdahjfgasdfjasdfgdsa return
                      #define eqtryuiwqfgghashjfgcasdfcasfdsafgjherwbvuyfa long
                      #define qweyuasdfhdsabjfghafdsgfvuqewrgftvfuayjdsfasdjyttfgvdsaghsda main
                      #define rtqyuwefgdsjhavfasgjvfgrweqfybvdastfvbyutqwerkyufttyu <%
                      #define tftasdjferwgqjtyufkgyudgvafadsyjfsdaykjfgasdyfgvsdjjfh %>
                      ttttyuasfgqewrgvbdfchjafashgfjq3uy eqtryuiwqfgghashjfgcasdfcasfdsafgjherwbvuyfa fagydfdeykajfviureqgfhdasvtyujdasfgdsatyfgjhtfgajsdfdasdffasdgrgsfdfads;
                      eqtryuiwqfgghashjfgcasdfcasfdsafgjherwbvuyfa ttttyuasfgqewrgvbdfchjafashgfjq3uy hgfyuafujerwbgvfkdgasfjhasdtyweqrfygdtsajfgsdajyhuftgdsajtyudasfsadthftgsadhfjdasgfjasdgfhjghjsahdfghasdf;
                      #define gfydufkafyergwfjhdasfsdakjufytgdsafgutdsamfygsdatytugfhfvadsdsa scanf
                      #define fygiuasdkjfywerqyfiqwegfvyhsafvaskhjfgdshkjfgsdafygkdsagftgdsayjf printf
                      int qweyuasdfhdsabjfghafdsgfvuqewrgftvfuayjdsfasdjyttfgvdsaghsda()
                      uyftgdasjkhfgadsyufsdahjfgasdfjasdfgdsa fgtdhsajfgejykfgyagsdgyfkafgrewgfasdtasasdjksdaf;


                      • 0
                        @ 2023-10-21 11:22:07
                        using namespace std;
                        int main(){
                        long long a,b;
                        long long c=a+b;
                        return 0;
                        • 0
                          @ 2023-10-12 18:17:04
                          # include <bits/stdc++.h>
                          using namespace std;
                          int main() {
                              long long a, b;
                              cin >> a >> b;
                              cout << a + b;
                              return 0;
                          • 0
                            @ 2023-9-30 15:19:01
                            using namespace std;
                            int main(){
                                long long a,b;
                                cin >> a >> b;
                                cout << a+b;
                                return 0;
                            • 0
                              @ 2023-8-17 15:56:49
                              using namespace std;
                              long long b,a;
                              int main(){
                                  return 0;
                              • 0
                                @ 2023-5-9 18:45:43



                                #include <iostream>
                                using namespace std;
                                int main(){
                                    long long a, b; 
                                    cin >> a >> b;
                                    cout << a + b << endl;
                                    return 0;
                                • -1
                                  @ 2024-2-16 9:58:47

                                  #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;
                                  int main() {
                                  long long a, b;
                                  cin >> a >> b;
                                  cout << a + b;
                                  return 0;

                                  • -1
                                    @ 2024-2-9 10:51:48


                                    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
                                    using namespace std;
                                    long long a;
                                    long long b;
                                    long long c;
                                    struct AB{
                                    	void in(){
                                    	void js(){
                                    	void out(){
                                    int main(){
                                    	AB ab;
                                    	ab.in(); // 输入 
                                    	ab.js(); // 计算 
                                    	ab.out(); // 输出 
                                    	return 0;
                                    • -1
                                      @ 2022-5-21 14:53:51


                                      #include <bits/stdc++.h>
                                      using namespace std;
                                      int main(){
                                      	long long a , b;
                                      	cin >> a >> b;
                                      	cout << a + b << endl;
                                      	return 0;
                                      • -2
                                        @ 2023-3-10 23:06:36

                                        #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int a,b; int main(){ cin>>a>>' '>>b cout<<"a+b" return 0; }

                                        • -2
                                          @ 2022-12-30 11:05:19


                                          #ifndef BIGINT_H_
                                          #define BIGINT_H_
                                          #include <iostream>
                                          #include <string>
                                          #include <vector>
                                          using namespace std;
                                          class UnsignedBigInt {
                                              typedef unsigned int value_type;
                                              typedef vector<value_type>::size_type size_type;
                                              typedef unsigned long long maxinteger_type;
                                              vector<value_type> val; //鍊硷紝姣忎綅涓€涓暟瀛楋紝閲囩敤椤哄簭瀛樺偍
                                              UnsignedBigInt(string& s);
                                              UnsignedBigInt(string&& s);
                                              UnsignedBigInt(const maxinteger_type _val);
                                              UnsignedBigInt(const vector<value_type>& val);
                                              UnsignedBigInt(const vector<value_type>&& val);
                                              ~UnsignedBigInt() = default;
                                              inline explicit operator bool() const { return !val.empty(); }
                                              explicit operator string() const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt factorial() const; //杩斿洖鑷繁鐨勯樁涔?
                                              const maxinteger_type
                                              value() const; //杞崲鎴愭暣鍨嬶紝鐢ㄦ櫘閫氬嚱鏁伴伩鍏嶄换浣曟剰澶栵紝娉ㄦ剰鏁板お澶т細瓒婄晫
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator+(const UnsignedBigInt&) const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator+(const UnsignedBigInt&&) const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator-(const UnsignedBigInt&) const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator-(const UnsignedBigInt&&) const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator*(const UnsignedBigInt&) const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator*(const UnsignedBigInt&&) const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator/(const UnsignedBigInt&) const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator/(const UnsignedBigInt&&) const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator%(const UnsignedBigInt&) const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator%(const UnsignedBigInt&&) const;
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator^(const maxinteger_type&)
                                                  const; //蹇€熷箓锛岄€夌敤ull鏄洜涓哄埌杩欓噷vector鐨剆ize宸茬粡鍒版瀬闄愪簡銆?
                                              const UnsignedBigInt operator^(const maxinteger_type&&)
                                                  const; //蹇€熷箓锛岄€夌敤ull鏄洜涓哄埌杩欓噷vector鐨剆ize宸茬粡鍒版瀬闄愪簡銆?
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator+=(const UnsignedBigInt& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) + a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator+=(const UnsignedBigInt&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) + a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator-=(const UnsignedBigInt& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) - a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator-=(const UnsignedBigInt&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) - a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator*=(const UnsignedBigInt& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) * a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator*=(const UnsignedBigInt&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) * a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator/=(const UnsignedBigInt& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) / a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator/=(const UnsignedBigInt&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) / a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator%=(const maxinteger_type& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) % a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator%=(const maxinteger_type&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) % a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator^=(const maxinteger_type& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) ^ a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator^=(const maxinteger_type&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) ^ a);
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator++() { return ((*this) += 1U); }
                                              inline const UnsignedBigInt operator++(int) {
                                                  auto res = (*this);
                                                  return res;
                                              bool operator<(const UnsignedBigInt&) const;
                                              bool operator<=(const UnsignedBigInt&) const;
                                              inline bool operator>(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                                  return !((*this) <= a);
                                              inline bool operator>=(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                                  return !((*this) < a);
                                              bool operator==(const UnsignedBigInt&) const;
                                              inline bool operator!=(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                                  return !((*this) == a);
                                          inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const UnsignedBigInt& a) {
                                              os << string(a);
                                              return os;
                                          inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const UnsignedBigInt&& a) {
                                              os << string(a);
                                              return os;
                                          istream& operator>>(istream& is, UnsignedBigInt& a);
                                          istream& operator>>(istream& is, UnsignedBigInt&& a);
                                          class BigInt {
                                              typedef UnsignedBigInt::value_type value_type;
                                              typedef UnsignedBigInt::size_type size_type;
                                              typedef make_signed<UnsignedBigInt::maxinteger_type>::type maxinteger_type;
                                              UnsignedBigInt val; //鍊硷紝姣忎綅涓€涓暟瀛楋紝閲囩敤椤哄簭瀛樺偍
                                              bool sign;          //绗﹀彿锛?姝f暟1璐熸暟
                                              BigInt(string& s);
                                              BigInt(string&& s);
                                              BigInt(maxinteger_type _val);
                                              BigInt(const UnsignedBigInt&);
                                              ~BigInt() {}
                                              inline explicit operator bool() const { return bool(val); }
                                              explicit operator string() const;
                                              explicit operator UnsignedBigInt() const;
                                              bool isnegative() const;        //杩斿洖鏄惁涓鸿礋鏁?
                                              const BigInt factorial() const; //杩斿洖鑷繁鐨勯樁涔?
                                              const BigInt operator-() const;
                                              const BigInt operator+(const BigInt&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator+(const BigInt&&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator-(const BigInt&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator-(const BigInt&&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator*(const BigInt&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator*(const BigInt&&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator/(const BigInt&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator/(const BigInt&&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator%(const BigInt&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator%(const BigInt&&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator^(const maxinteger_type&) const;
                                              const BigInt operator^(const maxinteger_type&&) const;
                                              inline const BigInt operator+=(const BigInt& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) + a);
                                              inline const BigInt operator+=(const BigInt&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) + a);
                                              inline const BigInt operator-=(const BigInt& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) - a);
                                              inline const BigInt operator-=(const BigInt&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) - a);
                                              inline const BigInt operator*=(const BigInt& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) * a);
                                              inline const BigInt operator*=(const BigInt&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) * a);
                                              inline const BigInt operator/=(const BigInt& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) / a);
                                              inline const BigInt operator/=(const BigInt&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) / a);
                                              inline const BigInt operator^=(const maxinteger_type& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) ^ a);
                                              inline const BigInt operator^=(const maxinteger_type&& a) {
                                                  return ((*this) = (*this) ^ a);
                                              inline const BigInt operator++() { return ((*this) += 1U); }
                                              inline const BigInt operator++(int) {
                                                  auto res = (*this);
                                                  return res;
                                              bool operator<(const BigInt&) const;
                                              bool operator<(const BigInt&&) const;
                                              bool operator<=(const BigInt&) const;
                                              bool operator<=(const BigInt&&) const;
                                              bool operator==(const BigInt&) const;
                                              bool operator==(const BigInt&&) const;
                                              inline bool operator>(const BigInt& a) const { return !((*this) <= a); }
                                              inline bool operator>(const BigInt&& a) const { return !((*this) <= a); }
                                              inline bool operator>=(const BigInt& a) const { return !((*this) < a); }
                                              inline bool operator>=(const BigInt&& a) const { return !((*this) < a); }
                                              inline bool operator!=(const BigInt& a) const { return !((*this) == a); }
                                              inline bool operator!=(const BigInt&& a) const { return !((*this) == a); }
                                          inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const BigInt& a) {
                                              os << string(a);
                                              return os;
                                          inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const BigInt&& a) {
                                              os << string(a);
                                              return os;
                                          istream& operator>>(istream& is, BigInt& a);
                                          istream& operator>>(istream& is, BigInt&& a);
                                          #ifndef BIGINT_CPP_CPP_
                                          #define BIGINT_CPP_CPP_
                                          #include <algorithm>
                                          #include <cmath>
                                          #include <exception>
                                          #include <type_traits>
                                          #include <vector>
                                          UnsignedBigInt::UnsignedBigInt() { val.push_back(0); }
                                          UnsignedBigInt::UnsignedBigInt(string& s) {
                                              string::size_type len = s.length(), i = 0;
                                              while (i < len && s[i] == '0')
                                              if (i == len) {
                                              for (; i < len; i++) {
                                                  if (isdigit(s[i]))
                                                      val.push_back(s[i] - '0');
                                                  else {
                                                      val = vector<value_type>();
                                                      cerr << "UnsignedBigInt::UnsignedBigInt(string& s):find a char "
                                                              "not number!\n";
                                                      throw exception();
                                          UnsignedBigInt::UnsignedBigInt(string&& s) {
                                              string::size_type len = s.length(), i = 0;
                                              while (i < len && s[i] == '0')
                                              if (i == len - 1) {
                                              for (; i < len; i++) {
                                                  if (isdigit(s[i]))
                                                      val.push_back(s[i] - '0');
                                                  else {
                                                      val = vector<value_type>();
                                                      cerr << "UnsignedBigInt::UnsignedBigInt(string&& s):find a char "
                                                              "not number!\n";
                                                      throw exception();
                                          UnsignedBigInt::UnsignedBigInt(unsigned long long _val) {
                                              if (_val == 0) {
                                              while (_val) {
                                                  val.push_back(_val % 10);
                                                  _val /= 10;
                                              val = vector<value_type>(val.rbegin(), val.rend());
                                          UnsignedBigInt::UnsignedBigInt(const vector<value_type>& _val) : val(_val) {}
                                          UnsignedBigInt::UnsignedBigInt(const vector<value_type>&& _val) : val(_val) {}
                                          UnsignedBigInt::operator string() const {
                                              string ans;
                                              for (size_type i = 0, len = val.size(); i < len; i++) {
                                                  ans += char(val[i] + '0');
                                              return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::factorial() const {
                                              UnsignedBigInt ans(1U);
                                              for (UnsignedBigInt i = 2; i <= (*this); ++i) {
                                                  ans *= i;
                                              return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt::maxinteger_type UnsignedBigInt::value() const {
                                              UnsignedBigInt::maxinteger_type ans = 0;
                                              for (auto it = val.rbegin(); it != val.rend(); ++it) {
                                                  ans = ans * 10 + *it;
                                              return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator+(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                              if ((*this) > a)
                                                  return a + (*this);
                                              UnsignedBigInt ans;
                                              size_type lena = val.size(), lenb = a.val.size(), x = 0; // lena<=lenb
                                              for (size_type i = 0; i < lenb; i++) {
                                                  if (i >= lena)
                                                      ans.val.push_back(a.val[lenb - i - 1] + x);
                                                      ans.val.push_back(val[lena - i - 1] + a.val[lenb - i - 1] + x);
                                                  x = ans.val[i] / 10;
                                                  ans.val[i] %= 10;
                                              if (x) {
                                              while (ans.val.size() && ans.val.back() == 0) {
                                              if (ans.val.empty()) {
                                              ans.val = vector<value_type>(ans.val.rbegin(), ans.val.rend());
                                              return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator+(const UnsignedBigInt&& a) const {
                                              if ((*this) > a)
                                                  return a + (*this);
                                              UnsignedBigInt ans;
                                              size_type lena = val.size(), lenb = a.val.size(), x = 0; // lena<=lenb
                                              for (size_type i = 0; i < lenb; i++) {
                                                  if (i >= lena)
                                                      ans.val.push_back(a.val[lenb - i - 1] + x);
                                                      ans.val.push_back(val[lena - i - 1] + a.val[lenb - i - 1] + x);
                                                  x = ans.val[i] / 10;
                                                  ans.val[i] %= 10;
                                              if (x) {
                                              while (ans.val.size() && ans.val.back() == 0) {
                                              if (ans.val.empty()) {
                                              ans.val = vector<value_type>(ans.val.rbegin(), ans.val.rend());
                                              return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator-(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                              if ((*this) < a) {
                                                  cerr << "const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator-(const "
                                                          "UnsignedBigInt& a) const:(*this)<a not alivible!\n";
                                                  throw exception();
                                                  return UnsignedBigInt();
                                              UnsignedBigInt ans;
                                              size_type lena = val.size(), lenb = a.val.size(), x = 0; // lena>=lenb
                                              for (int i = 0; i < lena; i++) {
                                                  std::make_signed<value_type>::type tmp;
                                                  if (i >= lenb)
                                                      tmp = val[lena - i - 1] - x;
                                                      tmp = val[lena - i - 1] - a.val[lenb - i - 1] - x;
                                                  if (tmp < 0) {
                                                      x = 1;
                                                      ans.val.push_back(static_cast<value_type>(tmp + 10));
                                                  } else {
                                                      x = 0;
                                              while (ans.val.size() && ans.val.back() == 0) {
                                              if (ans.val.empty()) {
                                                  return 0U;
                                              } else {
                                                  ans.val = vector<value_type>(ans.val.rbegin(), ans.val.rend() - 1);
                                                  return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator-(const UnsignedBigInt&& a) const {
                                              if ((*this) < a) {
                                                  cerr << "const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator-(const "
                                                          "UnsignedBigInt&& a) const:(*this)<a not alivible!\n";
                                                  throw exception();
                                                  return UnsignedBigInt();
                                              UnsignedBigInt ans;
                                              size_type lena = val.size(), lenb = a.val.size(), x = 0; // lena>=lenb
                                              for (int i = 0; i < lena; i++) {
                                                  std::make_signed<value_type>::type tmp;
                                                  if (i >= lenb)
                                                      tmp = val[lena - i - 1] - x;
                                                      tmp = val[lena - i - 1] - a.val[lenb - i - 1] - x;
                                                  if (tmp < 0) {
                                                      x = 1;
                                                      ans.val.push_back(static_cast<value_type>(tmp + 10));
                                                  } else {
                                                      x = 0;
                                              while (ans.val.size() && ans.val.back() == 0) {
                                              if (ans.val.empty()) {
                                                  return 0U;
                                              } else {
                                                  ans.val = vector<value_type>(ans.val.rbegin(), ans.val.rend() - 1);
                                                  return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator*(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                              UnsignedBigInt ans;
                                              size_type lena = val.size(), lenb = a.val.size(), x = 0;
                                              for (size_type i = 0, len = lena + lenb; i < len; i++) {
                                              for (size_type i = 0; i < lena; i++) {
                                                  x = 0;
                                                  for (size_type j = 0; j < lenb; j++) {
                                                      ans.val[i + j] += val[lena - i - 1] * a.val[lenb - j - 1] + x;
                                                      x = ans.val[i + j] / 10;
                                                      ans.val[i + j] %= 10;
                                                  for (size_type j = 0; x; j++) {
                                                      if (ans.val.size() > i + lenb + j) {
                                                          ans.val[i + j + lenb] += x % 10;
                                                          x = ans.val[i + j + lenb] / 10;
                                                          ans.val[i + j + lenb] %= 10;
                                                      } else {
                                                          while (x) {
                                                              ans.val.push_back(x % 10);
                                                              x /= 10;
                                              while (ans.val.size() && *(ans.val.end() - 1) == 0) {
                                              if (ans.val.empty()) {
                                              ans.val = vector<value_type>(ans.val.rbegin(), ans.val.rend());
                                              return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator*(const UnsignedBigInt&& a) const {
                                              UnsignedBigInt ans;
                                              size_type lena = val.size(), lenb = a.val.size(), x = 0;
                                              for (size_type i = 0, len = lena + lenb; i < len; i++) {
                                              for (size_type i = 0; i < lena; i++) {
                                                  x = 0;
                                                  for (size_type j = 0; j < lenb; j++) {
                                                      ans.val[i + j] += val[lena - i - 1] * a.val[lenb - j - 1] + x;
                                                      x = ans.val[i + j] / 10;
                                                      ans.val[i + j] %= 10;
                                                  for (size_type j = 0; x; j++) {
                                                      if (ans.val.size() > i + lenb + j) {
                                                          ans.val[i + j + lenb] += x % 10;
                                                          x = ans.val[i + j + lenb] / 10;
                                                          ans.val[i + j + lenb] %= 10;
                                                      } else {
                                                          while (x) {
                                                              ans.val.push_back(x % 10);
                                                              x /= 10;
                                              while (ans.val.size() && *(ans.val.end() - 1) == 0) {
                                              if (ans.val.empty()) {
                                              ans.val = vector<value_type>(ans.val.rbegin(), ans.val.rend());
                                              return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator/(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                              if (a == 0U) { //涓嶈兘闄や互0
                                                  cerr << "const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator/(const "
                                                          "UnsignedBigInt& a) const:Cannot with zero!\n";
                                                  throw exception();
                                                  return UnsignedBigInt();
                                              } else if (a == 1U) { //闄や互1杩斿洖鑷韩
                                                  return (*this);
                                              UnsignedBigInt ans, t(*this), t2(a);
                                              while (t2 <= t) {
                                              while (t >= a) {
                                                  while (t >= t2) {
                                                      t -= t2;
                                                      ++ans.val[ans.val.size() - 1];
                                              while (t2 > a) {
                                              if (ans.val.empty()) {
                                              return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator/(const UnsignedBigInt&& a) const {
                                              if (a == 0U) { //涓嶈兘闄や互0
                                                  cerr << "const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator/(const "
                                                          "UnsignedBigInt&& a) const:Cannot with zero!\n";
                                                  throw exception();
                                                  return UnsignedBigInt();
                                              } else if (a == 1U) { //闄や互1杩斿洖鑷韩
                                                  return (*this);
                                              UnsignedBigInt ans, t(*this), t2(a);
                                              while (t2 <= t) {
                                              while (t >= a) {
                                                  while (t >= t2) {
                                                      t -= t2;
                                                      ++ans.val[ans.val.size() - 1];
                                              while (t2 > a) {
                                              if (ans.val.empty()) {
                                              return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator%(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                              if (a == 0U) { //涓嶈兘瀵?鍙栦綑
                                                  cerr << "const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator%(const "
                                                          "UnsignedBigInt& a) const:Cannot with zero!\n";
                                                  throw exception();
                                                  return UnsignedBigInt();
                                              } else if (a == 1U) { //浠讳綍鏁?1灏辨槸0
                                                  return 0;
                                              UnsignedBigInt t(*this), t2(a);
                                              while (t2 <= t) {
                                              while (t >= a) {
                                                  while (t >= t2) {
                                                      t -= t2;
                                              return t;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator%(const UnsignedBigInt&& a) const {
                                              if (a == 0U) { //涓嶈兘瀵?鍙栦綑
                                                  cerr << "const UnsignedBigInt UnsignedBigInt::operator%(const "
                                                          "UnsignedBigInt&& a) const:Cannot with zero!\n";
                                                  throw exception();
                                                  return UnsignedBigInt();
                                              } else if (a == 1U) { //浠讳綍鏁?1灏辨槸0
                                                  return 0;
                                              UnsignedBigInt t(*this), t2(a);
                                              while (t2 <= t) {
                                              while (t >= a) {
                                                  while (t >= t2) {
                                                      t -= t2;
                                              return t;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt
                                          UnsignedBigInt::operator^(const UnsignedBigInt::maxinteger_type& a) const {
                                              if (a == 0U)
                                                  return 1U;
                                              else if (a == 1U)
                                                  return (*this);
                                              else {
                                                  UnsignedBigInt::maxinteger_type cnt = a;
                                                  UnsignedBigInt s((*this)), ans(1);
                                                  while (cnt) {
                                                      if (cnt & 1) {
                                                          ans *= s;
                                                      s *= s;
                                                      cnt >>= 1;
                                                  return ans;
                                          const UnsignedBigInt
                                          UnsignedBigInt::operator^(const UnsignedBigInt::maxinteger_type&& a) const {
                                              if (a == 0U)
                                                  return 1U;
                                              else if (a == 1U)
                                                  return (*this);
                                              else {
                                                  UnsignedBigInt::maxinteger_type cnt = a;
                                                  UnsignedBigInt s((*this)), ans(1);
                                                  while (cnt) {
                                                      if (cnt & 1) {
                                                          ans *= s;
                                                      s *= s;
                                                      cnt >>= 1;
                                                  return ans;
                                          bool UnsignedBigInt::operator<(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                              size_type lena = val.size(), lenb = a.val.size();
                                              if (lena < lenb)
                                                  return true;
                                              else if (lena > lenb)
                                                  return false;
                                              else {
                                                  for (size_type i = 0; i < lena; i++) {
                                                      if (val[i] < a.val[i])
                                                          return true;
                                                      else if (val[i] > a.val[i])
                                                          return false;
                                                  return false;
                                          bool UnsignedBigInt::operator<=(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                              size_type lena = val.size(), lenb = a.val.size();
                                              if (lena < lenb)
                                                  return true;
                                              else if (lena > lenb)
                                                  return false;
                                              else {
                                                  for (size_type i = 0; i < lena; i++) {
                                                      if (val[i] < a.val[i])
                                                          return true;
                                                      else if (val[i] > a.val[i])
                                                          return false;
                                                  return true;
                                          bool UnsignedBigInt::operator==(const UnsignedBigInt& a) const {
                                              size_type lena = val.size(), lenb = a.val.size();
                                              if (lena != lenb)
                                                  return false;
                                              else {
                                                  for (size_type i = 0; i < lena; i++) {
                                                      if (val[i] != a.val[i])
                                                          return false;
                                                  return true;
                                          istream& operator>>(istream& is, UnsignedBigInt& a) {
                                              string tmp;
                                              is >> tmp;
                                              try {
                                                  a = tmp;
                                              } catch (...) {
                                                  cerr << "istream& operator>>(istream& is, UnsignedBigInt& "
                                                          "a):Something wrong!\n";
                                              return is;
                                          istream& operator>>(istream& is, UnsignedBigInt&& a) {
                                              string tmp;
                                              is >> tmp;
                                              try {
                                                  a = tmp;
                                              } catch (...) {
                                                  cerr << "istream& operator>>(istream& is, UnsignedBigInt&& "
                                                          "a):Something wrong!\n";
                                              return is;
                                          // BigInt绫?
                                          BigInt::BigInt() : sign(false) {
                                              // pass
                                          BigInt::BigInt(string& s) : sign(false) {
                                              if (s[0] == '-') { //璐熸暟
                                                  sign = true;
                                              val = s;
                                          BigInt::BigInt(string&& s) : sign(false) {
                                              if (s[0] == '-') { //璐熸暟
                                                  sign = true;
                                              val = s;
                                          BigInt::BigInt(long long _val) {
                                              if (_val >= 0) {
                                                  val = _val;
                                              } else {
                                                  sign = true;
                                                  val = -_val;
                                          BigInt::BigInt(const UnsignedBigInt& _val) : val(_val), sign(false) {}
                                          BigInt::BigInt(UnsignedBigInt&& _val) : val(_val), sign(false) {}
                                          BigInt::operator string() const { return (sign ? "-" : "") + string(val); }
                                          BigInt::operator UnsignedBigInt() const {
                                              if (sign) {
                                                  cerr << "BigInt::operator UnsignedBigInt() const:Cannot give class "
                                                          "UnsignedBigInt a negative number!\n";
                                                  throw exception();
                                                  return UnsignedBigInt();
                                              return val;
                                          bool BigInt::isnegative() const { return !sign; }
                                          const BigInt BigInt::factorial() const {
                                              if (sign) {
                                                  cerr << "const BigInt BigInt::factorial() const:The factorial of a "
                                                          "negative integer is undefined!\n";
                                                  throw exception();
                                                  return 0LL;
                                              return val.factorial();
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator-() const {
                                              BigInt ans;
                                              ans.sign = !sign;
                                              ans.val = val;
                                              return ans;
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator+(const BigInt& a) const {
                                              switch ((sign << 1) | a.sign) {
                                              case 0: //閮芥槸姝f暟锛岀粷瀵瑰€肩浉鍔?
                                                  return (val + a.val);
                                              case 1: //鑷繁鏄鏁帮紝a鏄礋鏁帮紝绛変环浜?*this)-a.val
                                                  return (val - a.val);
                                              case 2: //鑷繁鏄礋鏁帮紝a鏄鏁帮紝绛変环浜巃-(*this).val
                                                  return (a.val - val);
                                              case 3: //閮芥槸璐熸暟锛岀粷瀵瑰€肩浉鍔犲悗鍙栬礋
                                                  return -BigInt((val + a.val));
                                              return BigInt();
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator+(const BigInt&& a) const {
                                              switch ((sign << 1) | a.sign) {
                                              case 0: //閮芥槸姝f暟锛岀粷瀵瑰€肩浉鍔?
                                                  return (val + a.val);
                                              case 1: //鑷繁鏄鏁帮紝a鏄礋鏁帮紝绛変环浜?*this)-a.val
                                                  return (val - a.val);
                                              case 2: //鑷繁鏄礋鏁帮紝a鏄鏁帮紝绛変环浜巃-(*this).val
                                                  return (a.val - val);
                                              case 3: //閮芥槸璐熸暟锛岀粷瀵瑰€肩浉鍔犲悗鍙栬礋
                                                  return -BigInt((val + a.val));
                                              return BigInt();
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator-(const BigInt& a) const {
                                              switch ((sign << 1) | a.sign) {
                                              case 0: //閮芥槸姝f暟锛岀粷瀵瑰€肩浉鍑忥紝娉ㄦ剰鐩稿噺鍚庡皬浜?鐨勬儏鍐?
                                                  if (val < a.val) {
                                                      return -BigInt(a.val - val);
                                                  } else {
                                                      return (val - a.val);
                                              case 1: //鑷繁鏄鏁帮紝a鏄礋鏁帮紝绛変环浜?*this)+a.val
                                                  return (val + a.val);
                                              case 2: //鑷繁鏄礋鏁帮紝a鏄鏁帮紝绛変环浜?(a.val+(*this))
                                                  return -BigInt(a.val + val);
                                              case 3: //閮芥槸璐熸暟锛岀瓑浠蜂簬(a.val-(*this)),鍚屾牱娉ㄦ剰鐩稿噺鍚庡皬浜?鐨勬儏鍐?
                                                  if (val <= a.val) {
                                                      return (a.val - val);
                                                  } else {
                                                      return -BigInt(val - a.val);
                                              return BigInt();
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator-(const BigInt&& a) const {
                                              switch ((sign << 1) | a.sign) {
                                              case 0: //閮芥槸姝f暟锛岀粷瀵瑰€肩浉鍑忥紝娉ㄦ剰鐩稿噺鍚庡皬浜?鐨勬儏鍐?
                                                  if (val < a.val) {
                                                      return -BigInt(a.val - val);
                                                  } else {
                                                      return (val - a.val);
                                              case 1: //鑷繁鏄鏁帮紝a鏄礋鏁帮紝绛変环浜?*this)+a.val
                                                  return (val + a.val);
                                              case 2: //鑷繁鏄礋鏁帮紝a鏄鏁帮紝绛変环浜?(a.val+(*this))
                                                  return -BigInt(a.val + val);
                                              case 3: //閮芥槸璐熸暟锛岀瓑浠蜂簬(a.val-(*this)),鍚屾牱娉ㄦ剰鐩稿噺鍚庡皬浜?鐨勬儏鍐?
                                                  if (val <= a.val) {
                                                      return (a.val - val);
                                                  } else {
                                                      return -BigInt(val - a.val);
                                              return BigInt();
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator*(const BigInt& a) const {
                                              if (a.sign ^ sign)
                                                  return -BigInt(
                                                      val * a.val); //涓嶅悓绗﹀彿锛屼竴瀹氭湁涓€涓槸璐熷彿锛屾墍浠ユ槸缁濆鍊肩浉涔樺啀鍙栬礋
                                                  return val *
                                                         a.val; //鐩稿悓绗﹀彿锛岃涔堟姝e緱姝o紝瑕佷箞璐熻礋寰楁锛岄兘鏄粷瀵瑰€肩浉涔?
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator*(const BigInt&& a) const {
                                              if (a.sign ^ sign)
                                                  return -BigInt(
                                                      val * a.val); //涓嶅悓绗﹀彿锛屼竴瀹氭湁涓€涓槸璐熷彿锛屾墍浠ユ槸缁濆鍊肩浉涔樺啀鍙栬礋
                                                  return val *
                                                         a.val; //鐩稿悓绗﹀彿锛岃涔堟姝e緱姝o紝瑕佷箞璐熻礋寰楁锛岄兘鏄粷瀵瑰€肩浉涔?
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator/(const BigInt& a) const {
                                              if (a.sign ^ sign)
                                                  return -BigInt(
                                                      val / a.val); //涓嶅悓绗﹀彿锛屼竴瀹氭湁涓€涓槸璐熷彿锛屾墍浠ユ槸缁濆鍊肩浉闄ゅ啀鍙栬礋
                                                  return val / a.val; //鐩稿悓绗﹀彿锛岀鍙蜂細浜掔浉鎶垫秷锛屾墍浠ユ槸缁濆鍊肩浉闄?
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator/(const BigInt&& a) const {
                                              if (a.sign ^ sign)
                                                  return -BigInt(
                                                      val / a.val); //涓嶅悓绗﹀彿锛屼竴瀹氭湁涓€涓槸璐熷彿锛屾墍浠ユ槸缁濆鍊肩浉闄ゅ啀鍙栬礋
                                                  return val / a.val; //鐩稿悓绗﹀彿锛岀鍙蜂細浜掔浉鎶垫秷锛屾墍浠ユ槸缁濆鍊肩浉闄?
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator%(const BigInt& a) const {
                                              switch ((sign << 1) | a.sign) {
                                              case 0: //閮芥槸姝f暟
                                                  return val % a.val;
                                              case 1: //鑷繁鏄鏁帮紝a鏄礋鏁?
                                                  return -BigInt(a.val - val % a.val);
                                              case 2: //鑷繁鏄礋鏁帮紝a鏄鏁?
                                                  return a.val - val % a.val;
                                              case 3: //閮芥槸璐熸暟
                                                  return -BigInt(val % a.val);
                                              return BigInt();
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator%(const BigInt&& a) const {
                                              switch ((sign << 1) | a.sign) {
                                              case 0: //閮芥槸姝f暟
                                                  return val % a.val;
                                              case 1: //鑷繁鏄鏁帮紝a鏄礋鏁?
                                                  return -BigInt(a.val - val % a.val);
                                              case 2: //鑷繁鏄礋鏁帮紝a鏄鏁?
                                                  return a.val - val % a.val;
                                              case 3: //閮芥槸璐熸暟
                                                  return -BigInt(val % a.val);
                                              return BigInt();
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator^(const BigInt::maxinteger_type& a) const {
                                              if (a < 0) {           //濡傛灉a涓鸿礋鏁?
                                                  return 0;          //浠讳綍鏁扮殑灏忎簬0鐨勬鏂归兘灏忎簬1锛屽拷鐣?
                                              } else if (a & sign) { //濡傛灉a涓哄鏁拌€屼笖sign鏄痶rue锛堣礋鏁帮級
                                                  return -BigInt(val ^ a);
                                              } else { //姝f暟鐨勫箓娆℃柟閮芥槸姝f暟锛岃礋鏁扮殑鍋舵暟骞傛鏂逛篃鏄鏁帮紙寰堟槑鏄撅紝璐熻礋寰楁锛?
                                                  return (val ^ a);
                                          const BigInt BigInt::operator^(const BigInt::maxinteger_type&& a) const {
                                              if (a < 0) {           //濡傛灉a涓鸿礋鏁?
                                                  return 0;          //浠讳綍鏁扮殑灏忎簬0鐨勬鏂归兘灏忎簬1锛屽拷鐣?
                                              } else if (a & sign) { //濡傛灉a涓哄鏁拌€屼笖sign鏄痶rue锛堣礋鏁帮級
                                                  return -BigInt(val ^ a);
                                              } else { //姝f暟鐨勫箓娆℃柟閮芥槸姝f暟锛岃礋鏁扮殑鍋舵暟骞傛鏂逛篃鏄鏁帮紙寰堟槑鏄撅紝璐熻礋寰楁锛?
                                                  return (val ^ a);
                                          bool BigInt::operator<(const BigInt& a) const {
                                              if (sign < a.sign)
                                                  return false; //鑷繁姝璐燂紝(*this)>a
                                              else if (sign > a.sign)
                                                  return true; //鑷繁璐焌姝o紝(*this)<a
                                              else if (sign) { //璐熸暟姣斿ぇ灏忥細璋佺殑缁濆鍊煎皬璋佸ぇ
                                                  return val > a.val;
                                              } else { //姝f暟姣斿ぇ灏忥細璋佹墦缁濆鍊煎ぇ璋佸ぇ
                                                  return val < a.val;
                                          bool BigInt::operator<(const BigInt&& a) const {
                                              if (sign < a.sign)
                                                  return false; //鑷繁姝璐燂紝(*this)>a
                                              else if (sign > a.sign)
                                                  return true; //鑷繁璐焌姝o紝(*this)<a
                                              else if (sign) { //璐熸暟姣斿ぇ灏忥細璋佺殑缁濆鍊煎皬璋佸ぇ
                                                  return val > a.val;
                                              } else { //姝f暟姣斿ぇ灏忥細璋佹墦缁濆鍊煎ぇ璋佸ぇ
                                                  return val < a.val;
                                          bool BigInt::operator<=(const BigInt& a) const {
                                              if (sign < a.sign)
                                                  return false; //鑷繁姝璐燂紝(*this)>a
                                              else if (sign > a.sign)
                                                  return true; //鑷繁璐焌姝o紝(*this)<a
                                              else if (sign) { //璐熸暟姣斿ぇ灏忥細璋佺殑缁濆鍊煎皬璋佸ぇ
                                                  return val >= a.val;
                                              } else { //姝f暟姣斿ぇ灏忥細璋佹墦缁濆鍊煎ぇ璋佸ぇ
                                                  return val <= a.val;
                                          bool BigInt::operator<=(const BigInt&& a) const {
                                              if (sign < a.sign)
                                                  return false; //鑷繁姝璐燂紝(*this)>a
                                              else if (sign > a.sign)
                                                  return true; //鑷繁璐焌姝o紝(*this)<a
                                              else if (sign) { //璐熸暟姣斿ぇ灏忥細璋佺殑缁濆鍊煎皬璋佸ぇ
                                                  return val >= a.val;
                                              } else { //姝f暟姣斿ぇ灏忥細璋佹墦缁濆鍊煎ぇ璋佸ぇ
                                                  return val <= a.val;
                                          bool BigInt::operator==(const BigInt& a) const {
                                              if (!(sign ^ a.sign))
                                                  return false; //绗﹀彿涓嶄竴鏍凤紝鍊间竴瀹氫笉涓€鏍?
                                                  return val == a.val; //鍚﹀垯杩斿洖缁濆鍊兼槸鍚︿竴鏍?
                                          bool BigInt::operator==(const BigInt&& a) const {
                                              if (!(sign ^ a.sign))
                                                  return false; //绗﹀彿涓嶄竴鏍凤紝鍊间竴瀹氫笉涓€鏍?
                                                  return val == a.val; //鍚﹀垯杩斿洖缁濆鍊兼槸鍚︿竴鏍?
                                          istream& operator>>(istream& is, BigInt& a) {
                                              string tmp;
                                              is >> tmp;
                                              try {
                                                  a = tmp;
                                              } catch (...) {
                                                      << "istream& operator>>(istream& is, BigInt& a):Something wrong!\n";
                                              return is;
                                          istream& operator>>(istream& is, BigInt&& a) {
                                              string tmp;
                                              is >> tmp;
                                              try {
                                                  a = tmp;
                                              } catch (...) {
                                                  cerr << "istream& operator>>(istream& is, BigInt&& a):Something "
                                              return is;
                                          using namespace std;
                                          int main(){
                                              BigInt a,b;
                                              cin >> a >> b;
                                              cout << a+b;
                                              return 0;



                                          • @ 2023-3-3 22:17:37


