#P6405. 「ICPC World Finals 2018」征服世界

「ICPC World Finals 2018」征服世界


Bwahahahahaha!!! Your nemesis, the dashingly handsome spy Waco Powers, has at last fallen to your secret volcano base’s deathtraps (or so you assume, being a little too busy to witness it firsthand). At long last, you are all set to CONQUER THE WORLD!

Nothing will stand in your way! Well, nothing except a minor problem of logistics. Your evil armies have announced that they will not continue carving their relentless path of destruction across the puny nations of the world without being paid. And unfortunately you are running low on cash – a volcano lair has many wonderful qualities, but “reasonably affordable” is not one of them. You have had to pull funds from the travel budget to pay your ungrateful underlings. Now you are not sure how you will actually get your armies into position to CONQUER THE WORLD.




第一行有一个整数 n(1n250 000)n (1 \le n \le 250\ 000),表示国家的个数。接下来有 n1n-1 行,每行有三个整数 u,v,c(1u,vn,1c106)u, v, c (1 \le u,v \le n,1 \le c \le 10^6),表示有一条双向路线连接国家 uuvv,每个军队沿该路线移动需要花费 cc 的代价。

接下来有 nn 行,第 ii 行有两个非负整数 xix_iyiy_i,表示目前有 xix_i 个军队在第 ii 个国家,而你最终至少需要在该国家放置 yiy_i 个军队。保证总军队数(xix_i 的和)不小于 yiy_i 的和,且不大于 10610^6.


输出最小的移动军队的费用,使得对于所有的 ii,第 ii 个国家至少有 yiy_i 个军队。

1 2 5
3 1 5
2 1
5 0
1 3
1 2 2
1 3 5
1 4 1
2 5 5
2 6 1
0 0
1 0
2 1
2 1
0 1
0 1


国家总数不超过 250 000250\ 000,军队总数不超过 10610^6

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