ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
869 P1375I  Cubic Lattice 0 / 0 10
867 P1379B  Dubious Cyrpto 0 / 0 5
823 P1388A  Captain Flint and Crew Recruitment 0 / 0 3
818 P1389A  LCM Problem 1 / 1 3
814 P1389E  Calendar Ambiguity 0 / 0 8
783 P1396A  Multiples of Length 0 / 0 5
777 P1397B  Power Sequence 0 / 0 5
769 P1398G  Running Competition 0 / 0 10
753 P1401C  Mere Array 0 / 0 4
752 P1401D  Maximum Distributed Tree 0 / 0 6
740 P1404D  Game of Pairs 0 / 0 10
732 P1406E  Deleting Numbers 1 / 1 10
730 P1407B  Big Vova 0 / 0 4
715 P1409C  Yet Another Array Restoration 0 / 0 4
710 P1411B  Fair Numbers 1 / 1 3
679 P1418F  Equal Product 0 / 0 10
672 P1419E  Decryption 0 / 0 7
654 P1422F  Boring Queries 0 / 0 10
643 P1423K  Lonely Numbers 0 / 0 5
619 P1427E  Xum 0 / 0 9
576 P1436F  Sum Over Subsets 0 / 0 10
544 P1444A  Division 0 / 0 5
496 P1454D  Number into Sequence 0 / 0 4
492 P1455A  Strange Functions 1 / 1 3
484 P1458A  Row GCD 0 / 0 5
467 P1462D  Add to Neighbour and Remove 0 / 0 4
437 P1468F  Full Turn 0 / 0 5
431 P1468L  Prime Divisors Selection 0 / 0 10
425 P1469D  Ceil Divisions 0 / 0 5
421 P1470B  Strange Definition 0 / 0 6
415 P1471A  Strange Partition 1 / 1 3
405 P1473B  String LCM 0 / 0 3
400 P1474B  Different Divisors 0 / 0 3
393 P1475A  Odd Divisor 1 / 1 3
388 P1475G  Strange Beauty 0 / 0 6
380 P1477A  Nezzar and Board 0 / 0 6
368 P1479E  School Clubs 0 / 0 10
349 P1485A  Add and Divide 0 / 0 3
347 P1485C  Floor and Mod 0 / 0 5
346 P1485D  Multiples and Power Differences 0 / 0 8
335 P1487B  Cat Cycle 0 / 0 4
333 P1487D  Pythagorean Triples 0 / 0 5
323 P1488G  Painting Numbers 0 / 0 9
308 P1491E  Fib-tree 0 / 0 9
295 P1493D  GCD of an Array 1 / 1 7
293 P1493F  Enchanted Matrix 0 / 0 10
274 P1497D  Genius 0 / 0 9
273 P1497E1  Square-free division (easy version) 1 / 3 5
272 P1497E2  Square-free division (hard version) 0 / 0 9
262 P1499D  The Number of Pairs 2 / 2 7


