ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
3714 P784F  Crunching Numbers Just for You 3 / 17 6
3715 P784G  BF Calculator 1 / 1 7
3073 P928A  Login Verification 1 / 2 4
3072 P928B  Chat 0 / 0 4
3071 P928C  Dependency management 0 / 0 6
3070 P928D  Autocompletion 0 / 0 6
3069 P929A  Прокат велосипедов 0 / 0 4
3068 P929B  Места в самолёте 0 / 0 4
3067 P929C  Красивая команда 0 / 0 5
2777 P1001A  Generate plus state or minus state 0 / 0 3
2778 P1001B  Generate Bell state 0 / 0 4
2775 P1001C  Generate GHZ state 0 / 0 4
2776 P1001D  Distinguish plus state and minus state 0 / 0 4
2774 P1001E  Distinguish Bell states 0 / 0 5
2773 P1001F  Distinguish multi-qubit basis states 0 / 0 4
2772 P1001G  Oracle for f(x) = k-th element of x 0 / 0 4
2771 P1001H  Oracle for f(x) = parity of the number of 1s in x 0 / 0 4
2769 P1001I  Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm 0 / 0 5
2770 P1001I  Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm 0 / 0 5
2502 P1057A  Bmail Computer Network 0 / 2 3
2504 P1057B  DDoS 0 / 0 4
2501 P1057C  Tanya and Colored Candies 0 / 0 7
2221 P1115G1  AND oracle 0 / 0 3
2220 P1115G2  OR oracle 0 / 0 5
2219 P1115G3  Palindrome checker oracle 0 / 0 5
2218 P1115U1  Anti-diagonal unitary 0 / 0 5
2217 P1115U2  Chessboard unitary 0 / 0 5
2216 P1115U3  Block unitary 0 / 0 5
2000 P1160A2  Collaboration 0 / 0 (无)
1962 P1170A  Three Integers Again 0 / 0 (无)
1961 P1170B  Bad Days 0 / 0 (无)
1960 P1170C  Minus and Minus Give Plus 0 / 0 (无)
1959 P1170D  Decoding of Integer Sequences 0 / 0 (无)
1958 P1170E  Sliding Doors 0 / 0 (无)
1957 P1170F  Wheels 0 / 0 (无)
1956 P1170G  Graph Decomposition 0 / 0 (无)
1955 P1170H  Longest Saw 0 / 0 (无)
1954 P1170I  Good Subsets 0 / 0 (无)
1833 P1192A  Building Skyscrapers 0 / 0 (无)
1832 P1192B  Dynamic Diameter 1 / 2 10
1830 P1192C  Cubeword 0 / 0 (无)
1831 P1193A  Amusement Park 0 / 0 (无)
1829 P1193B  Magic Tree 1 / 1 10
1828 P1193C  Scissors and Tape 0 / 0 (无)
1719 P1211A  Three Problems 1 / 1 3
1718 P1211B  Traveling Around the Golden Ring of Berland 0 / 0 5
1717 P1211C  Ice Cream 0 / 0 5
1716 P1211D  Teams 0 / 0 7
1715 P1211E  Double Permutation Inc. 0 / 0 7
1714 P1211F  kotlinkotlinkotlinkotlin... 0 / 0 8


