ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
658 P1422B  Nice Matrix 0 / 0 4
655 P1422E  Minlexes 0 / 0 10
633 P1425E  Excitation of Atoms 0 / 0 8
629 P1426A  Floor Number 1 / 1 3
628 P1426B  Symmetric Matrix 2 / 2 3
622 P1427B  Chess Cheater 0 / 0 4
620 P1427D  Unshuffling a Deck 0 / 0 7
614 P1428B  Belted Rooms 0 / 0 4
612 P1428D  Bouncing Boomerangs 0 / 0 6
605 P1430B  Barrels 0 / 0 3
604 P1430C  Numbers on Whiteboard 0 / 0 3
597 P1431B  Polycarp and the Language of Gods 0 / 0 4
598 P1431C  Black Friday 0 / 0 5
589 P1433A  Boring Apartments 1 / 1 3
588 P1433B  Yet Another Bookshelf 0 / 0 3
571 P1437E  Make It Increasing 1 / 1 8
570 P1438A  Specific Tastes of Andre 1 / 1 3
562 P1439A1  Binary Table (Easy Version) 0 / 0 5
561 P1439A2  Binary Table (Hard Version) 0 / 0 6
559 P1439C  Greedy Shopping 0 / 0 10
556 P1440A  Buy the String 0 / 0 3
553 P1442B  Identify the Operations 1 / 1 6
524 P1450D  Rating Compression 0 / 0 6
519 P1450H2  Multithreading (Hard Version) 0 / 0 10
516 P1451B  Non-Substring Subsequence 0 / 0 3
517 P1451C  String Equality 0 / 0 4
503 P1453A  Cancel the Trains 1 / 1 3
504 P1453B  Suffix Operations 0 / 0 4
502 P1453C  Triangles 0 / 0 5
497 P1454B  Unique Bid Auction 0 / 0 3
495 P1454C  Sequence Transformation 0 / 0 4
488 P1455E  Four Points 1 / 3 9
475 P1461B  Find the Spruce 0 / 0 4
473 P1461D  Divide and Summarize 0 / 0 5
472 P1461E  Water Level 0 / 0 8
470 P1462A  Favorite Sequence 1 / 1 3
469 P1462B  Last Year's Substring 1 / 1 3
466 P1462E2  Close Tuples (hard version) 0 / 0 5
461 P1463C  Busy Robot 0 / 0 6
459 P1463E  Plan of Lectures 0 / 0 9
446 P1467B  Hills And Valleys 0 / 0 5
440 P1468C  Berpizza 0 / 0 4
434 P1468I  Plane Tiling 0 / 0 9
432 P1468K  The Robot 1 / 1 5
430 P1468M  Similar Sets 0 / 0 8
429 P1468N  Waste Sorting 0 / 0 3
426 P1469C  Building a Fence 0 / 0 5
419 P1470E  Strange Permutation 0 / 1 10
414 P1471B  Strange List 0 / 0 3
407 P1473A  Replacing Elements 1 / 1 3


