ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
2698 P1015A  Points in Segments 0 / 0 3
2697 P1015B  Obtaining the String 0 / 0 4
2690 P1016A  Death Note 1 / 1 3
2691 P1016B  Segment Occurrences 0 / 0 4
2689 P1016C  Vasya And The Mushrooms 0 / 0 6
2684 P1017A  The Rank 1 / 1 3
2683 P1017B  The Bits 0 / 0 4
2668 P1023A  Single Wildcard Pattern Matching 0 / 0 4
2662 P1025A  Doggo Recoloring 0 / 0 3
2660 P1025C  Plasticine zebra 0 / 0 5
2658 P1025E  Colored Cubes 0 / 0 10
2655 P1027A  Palindromic Twist 1 / 2 3
2654 P1027B  Numbers on the Chessboard 0 / 0 4
2648 P1028A  Find Square 0 / 0 3
2647 P1028C  Rectangles 1 / 6 5
2640 P1029A  Many Equal Substrings 0 / 0 4
2637 P1029D  Concatenated Multiples 0 / 0 6
2634 P1030A  In Search of an Easy Problem 1 / 1 3
2632 P1030C  Vasya and Golden Ticket 0 / 0 4
2626 P1031A  Golden Plate 0 / 0 3
2618 P1032D  Barcelonian Distance 0 / 0 6
2614 P1033A  King Escape 0 / 0 3
2589 P1038A  Equality 0 / 0 3
2584 P1038D  Slime 0 / 0 6
2574 P1041A  Heist 0 / 0 3
2568 P1042A  Benches 1 / 1 3
2567 P1042B  Vitamins 0 / 0 4
2561 P1043A  Elections 0 / 0 3
2562 P1043B  Lost Array 0 / 0 4
2560 P1043C  Smallest Word 0 / 0 5
2551 P1044E  Grid Sort 0 / 0 10
2538 P1046F  Splitting money 0 / 0 4
2534 P1051A  Vasya And Password 0 / 2 4
2532 P1051C  Vasya and Multisets 0 / 1 5
2526 P1054A  Elevator or Stairs? 1 / 1 3
2525 P1054B  Appending Mex 0 / 0 3
2524 P1054C  Candies Distribution 0 / 0 5
2523 P1054D  Changing Array 0 / 0 6
2522 P1054E  Chips Puzzle 0 / 0 9
2517 P1055B  Alice and Hairdresser 0 / 0 4
2515 P1055D  Refactoring 0 / 0 9
2513 P1056A  Determine Line 0 / 0 3
2508 P1056C  Pick Heroes 0 / 0 5
2500 P1059A  Cashier 0 / 0 3
2499 P1059B  Forgery 0 / 0 4
2493 P1060C  Maximum Subrectangle 0 / 0 5
2487 P1061A  Coins 0 / 0 3
2486 P1061B  Views Matter 0 / 0 4
2485 P1061C  Multiplicity 1 / 1 5
2482 P1061D  TV Shows 0 / 0 7


