ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
7414 P1593B  Make it Divisible by 25 0 / 0 3
7410 P1593E  Gardener and Tree 0 / 11 5
7384 P1594D  The Number of Imposters 1 / 2 5
7390 P1600E  Array Game 1 / 2 10
7466 P1605D  Treelabeling 0 / 0 7
7458 P1607F  Robot on the Board 2 0 / 0 8
7526 P1608C  Game Master 1 / 1 10
7488 P1610F  Mashtali: a Space Oddysey 0 / 0 10
7486 P1610H  Squid Game 1 / 7 10
7503 P1611E1  Escape The Maze (easy version) 0 / 0 5
7502 P1611E2  Escape The Maze (hard version) 0 / 0 6
7517 P1613E  Crazy Robot 0 / 0 (无)
7561 P1615D  X(or)-mas Tree 1 / 1 10
7577 P1616G  Just Add an Edge 1 / 1 10
7536 P1617E  Christmas Chocolates 0 / 0 (无)
7550 P1619G  Unusual Minesweeper 0 / 0 (无)
7590 P1621C  Hidden Permutations 0 / 0 5
7585 P1621H  Trains and Airplanes 0 / 0 10
7571 P1623E  Middle Duplication 0 / 0 (无)
7593 P1624G  MinOr Tree 0 / 0 (无)
7601 P1625E1  Cats on the Upgrade (easy version) 0 / 0 (无)
7600 P1625E2  Cats on the Upgrade (hard version) 0 / 0 (无)
7613 P1626E  Black and White Tree 1 / 1 9
7609 P1627C  Not Assigning 0 / 0 (无)
7636 P1632E1  Distance Tree (easy version) 0 / 0 (无)
7635 P1632E2  Distance Tree (hard version) 0 / 0 (无)
7659 P1634E  Fair Share 0 / 0 (无)
7679 P1635E  Cars 0 / 0 (无)
7666 P1637F  Towers 0 / 0 (无)
7674 P1638D  Big Brush 2 / 2 10
7700 P1646D  Weight the Tree 0 / 0 7
7726 P1647E  Madoka and the Sixth-graders 0 / 0 (无)
7707 P1648E  Air Reform 0 / 0 (无)
7706 P1648F  Two Avenues 0 / 0 (无)
7712 P1650G  Counting Shortcuts 1 / 1 10
7721 P1651D  Nearest Excluded Points 0 / 0 (无)
7720 P1651E  Sum of Matchings 0 / 0 (无)
7735 P1654D  Potion Brewing Class 0 / 1 7
7800 P1659E  AND-MEX Walk 0 / 0 (无)
7799 P1659F  Tree and Permutation Game 0 / 0 (无)
7782 P1661E  Narrow Components 0 / 0 (无)
7846 P1662F  Antennas 1 / 3 10
7837 P1662O  Circular Maze 0 / 0 (无)
7778 P1665C  Tree Infection 0 / 0 (无)
7787 P1666L  Labyrinth 0 / 0 6
7833 P1667D  Edge Elimination 0 / 0 (无)
7822 P1669G  Fall Down 0 / 0 (无)
7884 P1670C  Where is the Pizza? 0 / 0 (无)
7882 P1670E  Hemose on the Tree 0 / 0 (无)
7808 P1672F2  Checker for Array Shuffling 1 / 1 10


