#P8191. [USACO22FEB] Moo Network G

[USACO22FEB] Moo Network G


Farmer John's NN cows (1N105)(1≤N≤10^5) are spread far apart on his farm and would like to build a communication network so they can more easily exchange electronic text messages (all of which of course contain variations of "moo").

The ith cow is located at a distinct location (xi,yi)(x_i,y_i) where 0xi1060≤x_i≤10^6 and 0yi100≤y_i≤10. The cost of building a communication link between cows ii and jj is the squared distance between them: (xixj)2+(yiyj)2(x_i-x_j)^2+(y_i-y_j)^2.

Please calculate the minimum cost required to build a communication network across which all the cows can communicate. Two cows can communicate if they are directly connected by a link, or if there is a sequence of links along which their message can travel.

Note: the time limit for this problem is 4s, twice the default.


The first line of input contains NN, and the next NN lines each describe the xx and yy coordinates of a cow, all integers.


Please output the minimum cost of a network that will allow all cows to communicate. Note that this cost might be too large to fit into a 32-bit integer and may require use of 64-bit integers (e.g., "long long" integers in C++).

83 10
77 2
93 4
86 6
49 1
62 7
90 3
63 4
40 10
72 0



  • Test cases 2-3 satisfy N1000N≤1000.
  • Test cases 4-15 satisfy no additional constraints.