#4778. [USACO2017 Open] COWBASIC



Bessie has invented a new programming language, but since there is no compiler yet, she needs your help to actually run her programs.

COWBASIC is a simple, elegant language. It has two key features: addition and MOO loops. Bessie has devised a clever solution to overflow: all addition is done modulo 109+710^9+7. But Bessie's real achievement is the MOO loop, which runs a block of code a fixed number of times. MOO loops and addition can, of course, be nested.

Given a COWBASIC program, please help Bessie determine what number it returns.


You are given a COWBASIC program at most 100100 lines long, with each line being at most 350350 characters long. A COWBASIC program is a list of statements.

There are three types of statements:

<variable> = <expression>

<literal> MOO {
<list of statements>

RETURN <variable>

There are three types of expressions:



( <expression> ) + ( <expression> )

A literal is a positive integer at most 100,000.
A variable is a string of at most 10 lowercase English letters.
It is guaranteed that no variable will be used or RETURNed before it is defined. It is guaranteed that RETURN will happen exactly once, on the last line of the program.


Output a single positive integer, giving the value of the RETURNed variable.

x = 1
10 MOO {
x = ( x ) + ( x )
n = 1
nsq = 1
100000 MOO {
100000 MOO {
nsq = ( nsq ) + ( ( n ) + ( ( n ) + ( 1 ) ) )
n = ( n ) + ( 1 )


In 2020 percent of all test cases - MOO loops are not nested.
In another 2020 percent of all test cases - The program only has 11 variable. MOO loops can be nested.
In the remaining test cases, there are no further restrictions.

20%20\% 数据:MOO 循环不嵌套;
另外 20%20\% 数据:程序只有一个变量,MOO 循环可嵌套;
对于 100%100\% 的数据,程序最长 100100 行,每行最长 350350 字符。
感谢@psk2016 提供的翻译。

