#3941. [USACO 2015 Feb] Fencing the Herd

[USACO 2015 Feb] Fencing the Herd


Farmer John needs your help deciding where to build a fence in the shape of a straight line to help restrict the movement of his cows.

He has considered several possible fence locations and needs your help to determine which of these are usable, where a fence is considered usable if all of the cows are on the same side of the fence. A fence is not usable if there is a cow that lies directly on it.

FJ will be asking you a number of queries regarding possible fence locations; a query should be answered YES if it corresponds to a usable fence location, NO otherwise.

Additionally, FJ may occasionally bring new cows into the herd. When a new cow joins the herd, all fence queries from that point onward will require her to be on the same side of a fence as the rest of the herd for the fence to be usable.

Input Format

The first line of input contains NN and QQ separated by a space. These give the number of cows initially in the herd and the number of queries, respectively.

The following NN lines describe the initial state of the herd. Each line will contain two space separated integers xx and yy giving the position of a cow.

The remaining QQ lines contain queries either adding a new cow to the herd or testing a fence for usability.

  • A line of the form 1 x y means that a new cow has been added to the herd at position (x,y)(x, y).
  • A line of the form 2 A B C indicates that FJ would like to test a fence described by the line Ax+By=CAx + By = C.

Output Format

For each fence query, output YES if the fence is usable. Otherwise output NO.

3 4
0 0
0 1
1 0
2 2 2 3
1 1 1
2 2 2 3
2 0 1 1

Limit and Hint

For 100%100\% of testcases, 1N,Q1051\le N,Q\le 10^5, 109x,y,A,B109-10^9\le x,y,A,B\le 10^9, 1018C1018-10^{18}\le C\le 10^{18}, all cow positions will be unique over the whole data set, and no fence query will have A=B=0A=B=0.


USACO February 2015 Contest Gold T3