#3852. Area of Mushroom

Area of Mushroom


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中文简化题面 :

给定 nn 个人 包含坐标x,yx,y和速度 vv,如果一个点被一个人占有是指这个人比其他任何人都能先到达这个点。

对于这 nn 个人中的第 ii 个人,如果他占有的面积为无穷大,就输出 11,否则输出 00

translate by


There are multiple test cases, terminated by a line "0". For each test case, the first line contains one integer nn (1n500)(1 \le n \le 500). In following n lines, each line contains three integers xi,yi,vix_i,y_i,v_i (0xi,yi,vi104)(0 \le |xi|,|yi|,vi \le 10^4).


For each case, output "Case #k: s", where kk is the case number counting from 11, and ss is a string consisting of n character. If the area in the charge of the ithi^{th} student isn't infinite, the ithi^{th} character is "0", else it's "1".

0 0 3
1 1 2
2 2 1
Case #1: 100