#2247. [Seerc 2009] The Robbery

[Seerc 2009] The Robbery


In the downtown of Bucharest there is a very big bank with a very big vault. Inside the vault there are nn very big boxes numbered from 1n1\sim n. Inside the box with number kk there are kk very big diamonds, each of weight WkW_k and cost CkC_k.

John and Brus are inside the vault at the moment. They would like to steal everything, but unfortunately they are able to carry diamonds with the total weight not exceeding mm.

Your task is to help John and Brus to choose diamonds with the total weight less than or equal to mm and the maximal possible total cost.


在 Bucharest 市的市区里有一个很大的银行,银行的金库中有标号为 1n1\sim nnn 种盒子,第 kk 个盒子中有 kk 个重量为 wkw_k,价值为 ckc_k 的钻石。

John 和 Brus 正在金库中行窃,他们本想带走所有钻石,可惜他们的背包容量只有 mm,换句话说,设 SS 为他们带走的钻石标号集合,那么 SS 需满足

kSwkm\sum_{k\in S} w_k \le m

你需要帮助 John 和 Brus,使得在满足这个条件下,最大化

kSck\sum_{k\in S} c_k


The first line contains single integer TT – the number of test cases. Each test case starts with a line containing two integers nn and mm separated by a single space. The next line contains nn integers wkw_k separated by single spaces. The following line contains nn integers ckc_k separated by single spaces.

第一行一个整数 TT,表示数据组数。

对于每组数据,第一行包括两个正整数 n,mn,m

接下来一行 nn 个正整数,第 ii 个整数表示 wiw_i

接下来一行 nn 个正整数,第 ii 个整数表示 cic_i


For each test case print a single line containing the maximal possible total cost of diamonds.


2 4 
3 2 
5 3 
3 100 
4 7 1 
5 9 2



1T74,1n15,1wi,ci,m1091\le T\le 74,1\le n\le 15,1\le w_i,c_i,m\le 10^9

