#2021. [USACO2010 Jan] Cheese Towers

[USACO2010 Jan] Cheese Towers


Farmer John wants to save some blocks of his cows'delicious Wisconsin cheese varieties in his cellar for the coming winter. He has room for one tower of cheese in his cellar, and that tower's height can be at most tt. The cows have provided him with a virtually unlimited number of blocks of each kind of nn different types of cheese (conveniently numbered 1n1\ldots n). He'd like to store (subject to the constraints of height) the most valuable set of blocks he possibly can. The cows will sell the rest to support the orphan calves association.

Each block of the ii-th type of cheese has some value viv_i and some height hih_i, which is always a multiple of 55.

Cheese compresses. A block of cheese that has height greater than or equal to K is considered "large" and will crush any and all of the cheese blocks (even other large ones) located below it in the tower. A crushed block of cheese doesn't lose any value, but its height reduces to just 45\frac{4}{5} of its old height. Because the height of a block of cheese is always a multiple of 55, the height of a crushed block of cheese will always be an integer. A block of cheese is either crushed or not crushed; having multiple large blocks above it does not crush it more. Only tall blocks of cheese crush other blocks; aggregate height of a tower does not affect whether a block is crushed or not.

What is the total value of the best cheese tower FJ can construct? Consider, for example, a cheese tower whose maximum height can be 53 to be build from three types of cheese blocks. Large blocks are those that are greater than or equal to 2525. Below is a chart of the values and heights of the various cheese blocks he stacks:

Type    Value      Height
1       100        25
2       20         5
3       40         10

FJ constructs the following tower:

          Type  Height Value
   top -> [1]   25     100
          [2]   4      20   <- crushed by [1] above
          [3]   8      40   <- crushed by [1] above
          [3]   8      40   <- crushed by [1] above
bottom -> [3]   8      40   <- crushed by [1] above

The topmost cheese block is so large that the blocks below it are crushed. The total height is: 25+4+8+8+8=5325+4+8+8+8=53. The total height does not exceed 5353 and thus is 'legal'. The total value is: 100+20+40+40+40=240100+20+40+40+40=240. This is the best tower for this particular set of cheese blocks.

John 要建一个奶酪塔,高度最大为 tt。他有 nn 块奶酪。第 ii 块高度为 hih_i(一定是 55 的倍数),价值为 viv_i。一块高度 k\geq k 的奶酪被称为大奶酪,一个奶酪如果在它上方有大奶酪(多块只算一次),它的高度就会变成原来的 45\frac{4}{5}。很显然 John 想让他的奶酪他价值和最大。求这个最大值。


第一行分别是 n,t,kn, t, k

接下来 nn 行分别是 vi,hiv_i, h_i



3 53 25
100 25
20 5
40 10


对于 100%100\% 的数据,1kt1031 \leq k \leq t \leq 10^31n1001 \leq n \leq 1001vi1061 \leq v_i \leq 10^65hit5 \leq h_i \leq t

