#KEYENCE2021C. Robot on Grid

Robot on Grid

Score : 500500 points

Problem Statement

We have a grid with HH rows and WW columns of squares. Let (i,j)(i, j) denote the square at the ii-th row from the top and jj-th column from the left. On each square, we can write a letter: R, D, or X. Initially, every square is empty.

Snuke chose KK of the squares and wrote characters on them. The ii-th square he chose was (hi,wi)(h_i,w_i), and he wrote the letter cic_i on it.

There are 3HWK3^{HW-K} ways to write a letter on each of the remaining squares. Find the sum of the answers to the problem below for all those 3HWK3^{HW-K} ways, modulo 998244353998244353.

We have a robot that can walk on the grid. When it is at (i,j)(i,j), it can move to (i+1,j)(i+1, j) or (i,j+1)(i, j+1).
However, if R is written on (i,j)(i, j), it can only move to (i,j+1)(i, j+1); if D is written on (i,j)(i, j), it can only move to (i+1,j)(i+1, j). If X is written on (i,j)(i, j), both choices are possible.

When the robot is put at (1,1)(1, 1), how many paths can the robot take to reach (H,W)(H, W) without going out of the grid? We assume the robot halts when reaching (H,W)(H, W).

Here, we distinguish two paths when the sets of squares traversed by the robot are different.


  • 2H,W50002 \leq H,W \leq 5000
  • 0Kmin(HW,2×105)0 \leq K \leq \min(HW,2 \times 10^5)
  • 1hiH1 \leq h_i \leq H
  • 1wiW1 \leq w_i \leq W
  • (hi,wi)(hj,wj)(h_i,w_i) \neq (h_j,w_j) for iji \neq j.
  • cic_i is R, D, or X.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


h1h_1 w1w_1 c1c_1


hKh_K wKw_K cKc_K


Print the answer.

2 2 3
1 1 X
2 1 R
2 2 R
  • Only (1,2)(1,2) is empty.- If we write R on it, there is one way that the robot can take to reach (H,W)(H, W).
    • If we write D on it, there are two ways that the robot can take to reach (H,W)(H, W).
    • If we write X on it, there are two ways that the robot can take to reach (H,W)(H, W).
  • If we write R on it, there is one way that the robot can take to reach (H,W)(H, W).
  • If we write D on it, there are two ways that the robot can take to reach (H,W)(H, W).
  • If we write X on it, there are two ways that the robot can take to reach (H,W)(H, W).
  • We should print the sum of these counts: 55.
3 3 5
2 3 D
1 3 D
2 1 D
1 2 X
3 1 R
5000 5000 10
585 1323 R
2633 3788 X
1222 4989 D
1456 4841 X
2115 3191 R
2120 4450 X
4325 2864 X
222 3205 D
2134 2388 X
2262 3565 R
  • Be sure to compute the sum modulo 998244353998244353.