#JSC2019QUALC. Cell Inversion

Cell Inversion

Score : 500500 points

Problem Statement

There are 2N2N squares arranged from left to right. You are given a string of length 2N2N representing the color of each of the squares.

The color of the ii-th square from the left is black if the ii-th character of SS is B, and white if that character is W.

You will perform the following operation exactly NN times: choose two distinct squares, then invert the colors of these squares and the squares between them. Here, to invert the color of a square is to make it white if it is black, and vice versa.

Throughout this process, you cannot choose the same square twice or more. That is, each square has to be chosen exactly once.

Find the number of ways to make all the squares white at the end of the process, modulo 109+710^9+7.

Two ways to make the squares white are considered different if and only if there exists ii (1iN)(1 \leq i \leq N) such that the pair of the squares chosen in the ii-th operation is different.


  • 1N1051 \leq N \leq 10^5
  • S=2N|S| = 2N
  • Each character of SS is B or W.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:




Print the number of ways to make all the squares white at the end of the process, modulo 109+710^9+7. If there are no such ways, print 00.


There are four ways to make all the squares white, as follows:

  • Choose Squares 1,31, 3 in the first operation, and choose Squares 2,42, 4 in the second operation.
  • Choose Squares 2,42, 4 in the first operation, and choose Squares 1,31, 3 in the second operation.
  • Choose Squares 1,41, 4 in the first operation, and choose Squares 2,32, 3 in the second operation.
  • Choose Squares 2,32, 3 in the first operation, and choose Squares 1,41, 4 in the second operation.