Cyclic GCDs

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Problem Statement

Niwango-kun has (N) chickens as his pets. The chickens are identified by numbers (1) to (N), and the size of the (i)-th chicken is a positive integer (a_i).

(N) chickens decided to take each other's hand (wing) and form some cycles. The way to make cycles is represented by a permutation (p) of (1, \ldots , N). Chicken (i) takes chicken (p_i)'s left hand by its right hand. Chickens may take their own hand.

Let us define the cycle containing chicken (i) as the set consisting of chickens (p_i, p_{p_i}, \ldots, p_{\ddots_i} = i). It can be proven that after each chicken takes some chicken's hand, the (N) chickens can be decomposed into cycles.

The beauty (f(p)) of a way of forming cycles is defined as the product of the size of the smallest chicken in each cycle. Let (b_i \ (1 \leq i \leq N)) be the sum of (f(p)) among all possible permutations (p) for which (i) cycles are formed in the procedure above.

Find the greatest common divisor of (b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_N) and print it ({\rm mod} \ 998244353).


  • (1 \leq N \leq 10^5)
  • (1 \leq a_i \leq 10^9)
  • All numbers given in input are integers


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


(a_1) (a_2) (\ldots) (a_N)


Print the answer.

4 3

In this case, (N = 2, a = [ 4, 3 ]).

For the permutation (p = [ 1, 2 ]), a cycle of an only chicken (1) and a cycle of an only chicken (2) are made, thus (f([1, 2]) = a_1 \times a_2 = 12).

For the permutation (p = [ 2, 1 ]), a cycle of two chickens (1) and (2) is made, and the size of the smallest chicken is (a_2 = 3), thus (f([2, 1]) = a_2 = 3).

Now we know (b_1 = f([2, 1]) = 3, b_2 = f([1, 2]) = 12), and the greatest common divisor of (b_1) and (b_2) is (3).

2 5 2 5

There are always (N!) permutations because chickens of the same size can be distinguished from each other.

The following picture illustrates the cycles formed and their beauties when (p = (2, 1, 4, 3)) and (p = (3, 4, 1, 2)), respectively.
