Where's Snuke?

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Problem Statement

There is a grid with HH rows and WW columns.

The square at the ii-th row and jj-th column contains a string Si,jS_{i,j} of length 55.

The rows are labeled with the numbers from 11 through HH, and the columns are labeled with the uppercase English letters from A through the WW-th letter of the alphabet.

Exactly one of the squares in the grid contains the string snuke. Find this square and report its location.

For example, the square at the 66-th row and 88-th column should be reported as H6.


  • 1H,W261 \leq H, W \leq 26
  • The length of Si,jS_{i,j} is 55.
  • Si,jS_{i,j} consists of lowercase English letters (a-z).
  • Exactly one of the given strings is equal to snuke.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


S1,1S_{1,1} S1,2S_{1,2} ...... S1,WS_{1,W}

S2,1S_{2,1} S2,2S_{2,2} ...... S2,WS_{2,W}


SH,1S_{H,1} SH,2S_{H,2} ...... SH,WS_{H,W}


Print the labels of the row and the column of the square containing the string snuke, with no space inbetween.

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