#CF17FINALH. Poor Penguin

Poor Penguin

Score : 16001600 points

Problem Statement

In some place in the Arctic Ocean, there are HH rows and WW columns of ice pieces floating on the sea. We regard this area as a grid, and denote the square at the ii-th row and jj-th column as Square (i,j)(i,j). The ice piece floating in each square is either thin ice or an iceberg, and a penguin lives in one of the squares that contain thin ice. There are no ice pieces floating outside the grid.

The ice piece at Square (i,j)(i,j) is represented by the character Si,jS_{i,j}. Si,jS_{i,j} is +, # or P, each of which means the following:

  • +: Occupied by thin ice.
  • #: Occupied by an iceberg.
  • P: Occupied by thin ice. The penguin lives here.

When summer comes, unstable thin ice that is not held between some pieces of ice collapses one after another. Formally, thin ice at Square (i,j)(i,j) will collapse when it does NOT satisfy either of the following conditions:

  • Both Square (i1,j)(i-1,j) and Square (i+1,j)(i+1,j) are occupied by an iceberg or uncollapsed thin ice.
  • Both Square (i,j1)(i,j-1) and Square (i,j+1)(i,j+1) are occupied by an iceberg or uncollapsed thin ice.

When a collapse happens, it may cause another. Note that icebergs do not collapse.

Now, a mischievous tourist comes here. He will do a little work so that, when summer comes, the thin ice inhabited by the penguin will collapse. He can smash an iceberg with a hammer to turn it to thin ice. At least how many icebergs does he need to smash?


  • 1H,W401 \leq H,W \leq 40
  • Si,jS_{i,j} is +, # or P.
  • SS contains exactly one P.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:







Print the minimum number of icebergs that needs to be changed to thin ice in order to cause the collapse of the thin ice inhabited by the penguin when summer comes.

3 3

For example, when the right and bottom icebergs are changed to thin ice, collapses happen as follows:

+#+    .#.    .#.    .#.
#P+ -> #P+ -> #P. -> #..
+++    .+.    ...    ...
6 6
40 40
1 1