#ARC072D. [ARC072F] Dam

[ARC072F] Dam

Score : 900900 points

Problem Statement

You are in charge of controlling a dam. The dam can store at most LL liters of water. Initially, the dam is empty. Some amount of water flows into the dam every morning, and any amount of water may be discharged every night, but this amount needs to be set so that no water overflows the dam the next morning.

It is known that viv_i liters of water at tit_i degrees Celsius will flow into the dam on the morning of the ii-th day. You are wondering about the maximum possible temperature of water in the dam at noon of each day, under the condition that there needs to be exactly LL liters of water in the dam at that time. For each ii, find the maximum possible temperature of water in the dam at noon of the ii-th day. Here, consider each maximization separately, that is, the amount of water discharged for the maximization of the temperature on the ii-th day, may be different from the amount of water discharged for the maximization of the temperature on the jj-th day (ji)(j \neq i).

Also, assume that the temperature of water is not affected by anything but new water that flows into the dam. That is, when V1V_1 liters of water at T1T_1 degrees Celsius and V2V_2 liters of water at T2T_2 degrees Celsius are mixed together, they will become V1+V2V_1+V_2 liters of water at T1V1+T2V2V1+V2\frac{T_1*V_1+T_2*V_2}{V_1+V_2} degrees Celsius, and the volume and temperature of water are not affected by any other factors.


  • 1N51051 \leq N \leq 5*10^5
  • 1L1091 \leq L \leq 10^9
  • 0ti109(1iN)0 \leq t_i \leq 10^9(1 \leq i \leq N)
  • 1viL(1iN)1 \leq v_i \leq L(1 \leq i \leq N)
  • v1=Lv_1 = L
  • LL, each tit_i and viv_i are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


t1t_1 v1v_1

t2t_2 v2v_2


tNt_N vNv_N


Print NN lines. The ii-th line should contain the maximum temperature such that it is possible to store LL liters of water at that temperature in the dam at noon of the ii-th day.

Each of these values is accepted if the absolute or relative error is at most 10610^{-6}.

3 10
10 10
20 5
4 3
  • On the first day, the temperature of water in the dam is always 1010 degrees: the temperature of the only water that flows into the dam on the first day.
  • 1010 liters of water at 1515 degrees of Celsius can be stored on the second day, by discharging 55 liters of water on the night of the first day, and mix the remaining water with the water that flows into the dam on the second day.
  • 1010 liters of water at 13.213.2 degrees of Celsius can be stored on the third day, by discharging 88 liters of water on the night of the first day, and mix the remaining water with the water that flows into the dam on the second and third days.
4 15
0 15
2 5
3 6
4 4
4 15
1000000000 15
9 5
8 6
7 4

Although the temperature of water may exceed 100100 degrees Celsius, we assume that water does not vaporize.