#ARC068A. [ABC053C] X: Yet Another Die Game

[ABC053C] X: Yet Another Die Game

Score : 300300 points

Problem Statement

Snuke has decided to play with a six-sided die. Each of its six sides shows an integer 11 through 66, and two numbers on opposite sides always add up to 77.

Snuke will first put the die on the table with an arbitrary side facing upward, then repeatedly perform the following operation:

  • Operation: Rotate the die 9090^\circ toward one of the following directions: left, right, front (the die will come closer) and back (the die will go farther). Then, obtain yy points where yy is the number written in the side facing upward.

For example, let us consider the situation where the side showing 11 faces upward, the near side shows 55 and the right side shows 44, as illustrated in the figure. If the die is rotated toward the right as shown in the figure, the side showing 33 will face upward. Besides, the side showing 44 will face upward if the die is rotated toward the left, the side showing 22 will face upward if the die is rotated toward the front, and the side showing 55 will face upward if the die is rotated toward the back.


Find the minimum number of operation Snuke needs to perform in order to score at least xx points in total.


  • 1x10151 \leq x \leq 10^{15}
  • xx is an integer.


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