#AGC048C. [AGC048C] Penguin Skating

[AGC048C] Penguin Skating

Score : 700700 points

Problem Statement

There are LL squares lining up horizontally in a row, numbered 1,2,,L1, 2, \ldots, L from left to right.

On those squares are NN penguins, numbered 1,2,,N1, 2, \ldots, N from left to right. Initially, Penguin ii is on Square AiA_i. Here, 1A1<A2<<ANL1 \leq A_1 < A_2 < \ldots < A_N \leq L holds.

You can do the following operations any number of times:

  • Choose one penguin and slide it to the left or the right. The penguin will keep sliding as long as there is an empty square ahead. It will stop when it reaches a square just before a square occupied by another penguin, or there is no square ahead.

For example, assume that N=3N=3, L=10L=10, and the penguins are on the squares (2,3,7)(2,3,7). Here, if we slide Penguin 22 to the right, it will move to Square 66; if we slide Penguin 33 to the right, it will move to Square 1010.

Your objective is to put Penguin ii on Square BiB_i for every ii. Here, 1B1<B2<<BNL1 \leq B_1 < B_2 < \ldots < B_N \leq L holds. Determine whether the objective is achievable. If it is achievable, find the minimum number of operations needed.


  • 1N1051 \leq N \leq 10^5
  • NL109N \leq L \leq 10^9
  • 1A1<A2<<ANL1 \leq A_1 < A_2 < \ldots < A_N \leq L
  • 1B1<B2<<BNL1 \leq B_1 < B_2 < \ldots < B_N \leq L
  • All numbers in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


A1A_1 A2A_2 \cdots ANA_N

B1B_1 B2B_2 \cdots BNB_N


If the objective is unachievable, print 1-1; if it is achievable, print the minimum number of operations needed.

4 11
3 4 6 10
1 5 6 11

The following sequence of operations achieves the objective:

  • Slide Penguin 11 to the left. The penguins are now on the squares (1,4,6,10)(1,4,6,10).
  • Slide Penguin 22 to the right. The penguins are now on the squares (1,5,6,10)(1,5,6,10).
  • Slide Penguin 44 to the right. The penguins are now on the squares (1,5,6,11)(1,5,6,11).
1 3
10 1000000000
65110170 68805223 123016442 275946481 661490312 760727752 764540566 929355340 930658577 947099792
1 2 123016442 661490311 929355337 930658574 999999997 999999998 999999999 1000000000