#AGC016C. [AGC016C] +/- Rectangle

[AGC016C] +/- Rectangle

Score : 700700 points

Problem Statement

You are given four integers: HH, WW, hh and ww (1hH1 \leq h \leq H, 1wW1 \leq w \leq W). Determine whether there exists a matrix such that all of the following conditions are held, and construct one such matrix if the answer is positive:

  • The matrix has HH rows and WW columns.
  • Each element of the matrix is an integer between 109-10^9 and 10910^9 (inclusive).
  • The sum of all the elements of the matrix is positive.
  • The sum of all the elements within every subrectangle with hh rows and ww columns in the matrix is negative.


  • 1hH5001 \leq h \leq H \leq 500
  • 1wW5001 \leq w \leq W \leq 500


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

HH WW hh ww


If there does not exist a matrix that satisfies all of the conditions, print No.

Otherwise, print Yes in the first line, and print a matrix in the subsequent lines in the following format:

a11a_{11} ...... a1Wa_{1W}


aH1a_{H1} ...... aHWa_{HW}

Here, aija_{ij} represents the (i, j)(i,\ j) element of the matrix.

3 3 2 2
1 1 1
1 -4 1
1 1 1

The sum of all the elements of this matrix is 44, which is positive. Also, in this matrix, there are four subrectangles with 22 rows and 22 columns as shown below. For each of them, the sum of all the elements inside is 1-1, which is negative.


2 4 1 2
3 4 2 3
2 -5 8 7
3 -5 -4 -5
2 1 -1 7