#AGC007E. [AGC007E] Shik and Travel

[AGC007E] Shik and Travel

Score : 14001400 points

Problem Statement

In the country there are NN cities numbered 11 through NN, which are connected by N1N-1 bidirectional roads. In terms of graph theory, there is a unique simple path connecting every pair of cities. That is, the NN cities form a tree. Besides, if we view city 11 as the root of this tree, the tree will be a full binary tree (a tree is a full binary tree if and only if every non-leaf vertex in the tree has exactly two children). Roads are numbered 11 through N1N-1. The ii-th road connects city i+1i+1 and city aia_i. When you pass through road ii, the toll you should pay is viv_i (if viv_i is 00, it indicates the road does not require a toll).

A company in city 11 will give each employee a family travel and cover a large part of the tolls incurred. Each employee can design the travel by themselves. That is, which cities he/she wants to visit in each day and which city to stay at each night. However, there are some constraints. More details are as follows:

  • The travel must start and end at city 11. If there are mm leaves in the tree formed by the cities, then the number of days in the travel must be m+1m+1. At the end of each day, except for the last day, the employee must stay at some hotel in a leaf city. During the whole travel, the employee must stay at all leaf cities exactly once.
  • During the whole travel, all roads of the country must be passed through exactly twice.
  • The amount that the employee must pay for tolls by him/herself is the maximum total toll incurred in a single day during the travel, except the first day and the last day. The remaining tolls will be covered by the company.

Shik, as an employee of this company, has only one hope for his travel. He hopes that the amount he must pay for tolls by himself will be as small as possible. Please help Shik to design the travel which satisfies his hope.


  • 2<N<131,0722 < N < 131,072
  • 1aii1 \leq a_i \leq i for all ii
  • 0vi131,0720 \leq v_i \leq 131,072
  • viv_i is an integer
  • The given tree is a full binary tree


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


a1a_1 v1v_1

a2a_2 v2v_2


aN1a_{N-1} vN1v_{N-1}


Print an integer denoting the minimum amount Shik must pay by himself for tolls incurred during the travel.

1 1
1 1
2 1
2 1
3 1
3 1

There are 44 leaves in the tree formed by the cities (cities 44, 55, 66, and 77), so the travel must be 55 days long. There are 4!=244! = 24 possible arrangements of the leaf cities to stay during the travel, but some of them are invalid. For example, (4,5,6,7)(4,5,6,7) and (6,7,5,4)(6,7,5,4) are valid orders, but (5,6,7,4)(5,6,7,4) is invalid because the route passes 44 times through the road connecting city 11 and city 22. The figure below shows the routes of the travel for these arrangements.


For all valid orders, day 33 is the day with the maximum total incurred toll of 44, passing through 44 roads.

1 2
1 2
3 2
3 2
5 2
5 2
7 2
7 2

The following figure shows the route of the travel for one possible arrangement of the stayed cities for the solution. Note that the tolls incurred in the first day and the last day are always covered by the company.


1 2
1 5
3 3
4 3
4 3
6 5
5 4
5 3
6 3
3 2
11 5
11 3
13 2
13 1
1 0
1 0