#AGC004C. [AGC004C] AND Grid

[AGC004C] AND Grid

Score : 700700 points

Problem Statement

Snuke and Ciel went to a strange stationery store. Each of them got a transparent graph paper with HH rows and WW columns.

Snuke painted some of the cells red in his paper. Here, the cells painted red were 4-connected, that is, it was possible to traverse from any red cell to any other red cell, by moving to vertically or horizontally adjacent red cells only.

Ciel painted some of the cells blue in her paper. Here, the cells painted blue were 4-connected.

Afterwards, they precisely overlaid the two sheets in the same direction. Then, the intersection of the red cells and the blue cells appeared purple.

You are given a matrix of letters aija_{ij} (1iH1 \leq i \leq H, 1jW1 \leq j \leq W) that describes the positions of the purple cells. If the cell at the ii-th row and jj-th column is purple, then aija_{ij} is #, otherwise aija_{ij} is .. Here, it is guaranteed that no outermost cell is purple. That is, if i=1,Hi=1, H or j=1,Wj = 1, W, then aija_{ij} is ..

Find a pair of the set of the positions of the red cells and the blue cells that is consistent with the situation described. It can be shown that a solution always exists.


  • 3H,W5003 \leq H,W \leq 500
  • aija_{ij} is # or ..
  • If i=1,Hi=1,H or j=1,Wj=1,W, then aija_{ij} is ..
  • At least one of aija_{ij} is #.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:






Print a pair of the set of the positions of the red cells and the blue cells that is consistent with the situation, as follows:

  • The first HH lines should describe the positions of the red cells.
  • The following 11 line should be empty.
  • The following HH lines should describe the positions of the blue cells.

The description of the positions of the red or blue cells should follow the format of the description of the positions of the purple cells.

5 5


One possible pair of the set of the positions of the red cells and the blue cells is as follows:

7 13


One possible pair of the set of the positions of the red cells and the blue cells is as follows: