#ABC283C. [ABC283C] Cash Register

[ABC283C] Cash Register

Score : 300300 points

Problem Statement

Takahashi is a cashier.

There is a cash register with 1111 keys: 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The cash register initially displays 00. Whenever he types the key 00, the displayed number is multiplied by 100100; whenever he types one of the others, the displayed number is multiplied by 1010, and then added by the number written on the key.

Takahashi wants the cash register to display an integer SS. At least how many keystrokes are required to make it display SS?


  • 1S101000001\leq S\leq 10^{100000}
  • SS is an integer.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the answer in a line.


For example, the following four keystrokes make the cash register display 4000440004. Initially, the cash register displays 00.

  • Type the key 4. It now displays 44.
  • Type the key 00. It now displays 400400.
  • Type the key 0. It now displays 40004000.
  • Type the key 4. It now displays 4000440004.

He cannot make it display 4000440004 with three or fewer keystrokes, so 44 should be printed.


Note that SS may not fit into a 6464-bit\operatorname{bit} integer type.