#ABC276F. [ABC276F] Double Chance

[ABC276F] Double Chance

Score : 500500 points

Problem Statement

There are NN cards called card 11, card 22, \ldots, card NN. On card ii (1iN)(1\leq i\leq N), an integer AiA_i is written.

For K=1,2,,NK=1, 2, \ldots, N, solve the following problem.

We have a bag that contains KK cards: card 11, card 22, \ldots, card KK. Let us perform the following operation twice, and let xx and yy be the numbers recorded, in the recorded order.

Draw a card from the bag uniformly at random, and record the number written on that card. Then, return the card to the bag.

Print the expected value of max(x,y)\max(x,y), modulo 998244353998244353 (see Notes). Here, max(x,y)\max(x,y) denotes the value of the greater of xx and yy (or xx if they are equal).


It can be proved that the sought expected value is always finite and rational. Additionally, under the Constraints of this problem, when that value is represented as PQ\frac{P}{Q} with two coprime integers PP and QQ, it can be proved that there is a unique integer RR such that R×QP(mod998244353)R \times Q \equiv P\pmod{998244353} and 0R<9982443530 \leq R \lt 998244353. Print this RR.


  • 1N2×1051 \leq N \leq 2\times 10^5
  • 1Ai2×1051 \leq A_i \leq 2\times 10^5
  • All values in the input are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


A1A_1 A2A_2 \ldots ANA_N


Print NN lines. The ii-th line (1iN)(1\leq i\leq N) should contain the answer to the problem for K=iK=i.

5 7 5

For instance, the answer for K=2K=2 is found as follows.

The bag contains card 11 and card 22, with A1=5A_1=5 and A2=7A_2=7 written on them, respectively.

  • If you draw card 11 in the first draw and card 11 again in the second draw, we have x=y=5x=y=5, so max(x,y)=5\max(x,y)=5.
  • If you draw card 11 in the first draw and card 22 in the second draw, we have x=5x=5 and y=7y=7, so max(x,y)=7\max(x,y)=7.
  • If you draw card 22 in the first draw and card 11 in the second draw, we have x=7x=7 and y=5y=5, so max(x,y)=7\max(x,y)=7.
  • If you draw card 22 in the first draw and card 22 again in the second draw, we have x=y=7x=y=7, so max(x,y)=7\max(x,y)=7.

These events happen with the same probability, so the sought expected value is 5+7+7+74=132\frac{5+7+7+7}{4}=\frac{13}{2}. We have 499122183×213(mod998244353)499122183\times 2\equiv 13 \pmod{998244353}, so 499122183499122183 should be printed.

22 75 26 45 72 81 47