#ABC274F. [ABC274F] Fishing

[ABC274F] Fishing

Score : 500500 points

Problem Statement

On a number line, there are NN fish swimming.

Fish ii, which has a weight of WiW_i, is at the coordinate XiX_i at time 00 and moves at a speed of ViV_i in the positive direction.

Takahashi will choose an arbitrary real number tt greater than or equal to 00 and do the following action at time tt just once. Action: Choose an arbitrary real number xx. Catch all fish whose coordinates are between xx and x+Ax+A, inclusive.

Find the maximum total weight of fish that he can catch.


  • 1N20001 \leq N \leq 2000
  • 1A1041 \leq A \leq 10^4
  • 1Wi1041 \leq W_i\leq 10^4
  • 0Xi1040 \leq X_i\leq 10^4
  • 1Vi1041 \leq V_i\leq 10^4
  • All values in the input are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


W1W_1 X1X_1 V1V_1

W2W_2 X2X_2 V2V_2




Print the answer.

3 10
100 0 100
1 10 30
10 20 10

At time 0.250.25, fish 11, 22, and 33 are at the coordinates 2525, 17.517.5, and 22.522.5, respectively. Thus, the action done at this time with x=16x=16 catches all the fish.

3 10
100 100 100
1 10 30
10 20 10

One optimal choice is to do the action at time 00 with x=100x=100.

4 10
1000 100 10
100 99 1
10 0 100
1 1 1

One optimal choice is to do the action at time 11 with x=100x=100.