#ABC271C. [ABC271C] Manga

[ABC271C] Manga

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Problem Statement

Takahashi is going to read a manga series "Snuke-kun" in 10910^9 volumes. Initially, Takahashi has NN books of this series. The ii-th book is Volume aia_i.

Takahashi may repeat the following operation any number of (possibly zero) times only before he begins to read:

  • Do nothing if he has 11 or less books; otherwise, sell two of the books he has and buy one book of any volume instead.

Then, Takahashi reads Volume 11, Volume 22, Volume 33, \ldots, in order. However, when he does not have a book of the next volume to read, he stops reading the series (regardless of the other volumes he has).

Find the latest volume of the series that he can read up to. If he cannot read any, let the answer be 00.


  • 1N3×1051 \leq N \leq 3 \times 10^5
  • 1ai1091 \leq a_i \leq 10^9
  • All values in the input are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


a1a_1 \ldots aNa_N


Print the answer.

1 2 4 6 7 271

Before he begins to read the series, he may do the following operation: "sell books of Volumes 77 and 271271 and buy one book of Volume 33 instead." Then, he has one book each of Volumes 11, 22, 33, 44, and 66. If he then begins to read the series, he reads Volumes 11, 22, 33, and 44, then tries to read Volume 55. However, he does not have one, so he stops reading at this point. Regardless of the choices in the operation, he cannot read Volume 55, so the answer is 44.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Takahashi may have multiple books of the same volume. For this input, if he performs the following 44 operations before he begins to read the series, he can read up to Volume 55, which is the maximum:

  • Sell two books of Volume 11 and buy a book of Volume 22 instead.
  • Sell two books of Volume 11 and buy a book of Volume 33 instead.
  • Sell two books of Volume 11 and buy a book of Volume 44 instead.
  • Sell two books of Volume 11 and buy a book of Volume 55 instead.

Takahashi cannot read Volume 11.