#ABC270C. [ABC270C] Simple path

[ABC270C] Simple path

Score : 300300 points

Problem Statement

There is a tree TT with NN vertices. The ii-th edge (1iN1)(1\leq i\leq N-1) connects vertex UiU_i and vertex ViV_i.

You are given two different vertices XX and YY in TT. List all vertices along the simple path from vertex XX to vertex YY in order, including endpoints.

It can be proved that, for any two different vertices aa and bb in a tree, there is a unique simple path from aa to bb.

What is a simple path? For vertices X and Y in a graph G, a path from vertex X to vertex Y is a sequence of vertices v_1,v_2, \ldots, v_k such that v_1=X, v_k=Y, and v_i and v_{i+1} are connected by an edge for each 1\leq i\leq k-1. Additionally, if all of v_1,v_2, \ldots, v_k are distinct, the path is said to be a simple path from vertex X to vertex Y.


  • 1N2×1051\leq N\leq 2\times 10^5
  • 1X,YN1\leq X,Y\leq N
  • XYX\neq Y
  • 1Ui,ViN1\leq U_i,V_i\leq N
  • All values in the input are integers.
  • The given graph is a tree.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


U1U_1 V1V_1

U2U_2 V2V_2


UN1U_{N-1} VN1V_{N-1}


Print the indices of all vertices along the simple path from vertex XX to vertex YY in order, with spaces in between.

5 2 5
1 2
1 3
3 4
3 5
2 1 3 5

The tree TT is shown below. The simple path from vertex 22 to vertex 55 is 22 \to 11 \to 33 \to 55. Thus, 2,1,3,52,1,3,5 should be printed in this order, with spaces in between.

6 1 2
3 1
2 5
1 2
4 1
2 6
1 2

The tree TT is shown below.