#ABC270B. [ABC270B] Hammer

[ABC270B] Hammer

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

Takahashi is at the origin of a number line. He wants to reach a goal at coordinate XX.

There is a wall at coordinate YY, which Takahashi cannot go beyond at first. However, after picking up a hammer at coordinate ZZ, he can destroy that wall and pass through.

Determine whether Takahashi can reach the goal. If he can, find the minimum total distance he needs to travel to do so.


  • 1000X,Y,Z1000-1000 \leq X,Y,Z \leq 1000
  • XX, YY, and ZZ are distinct, and none of them is 00.
  • All values in the input are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If Takahashi can reach the goal, print the minimum total distance he needs to travel to do so. If he cannot, print -1 instead.

10 -10 1

Takahashi can go straight to the goal.

20 10 -10

The goal is beyond the wall. He can get there by first picking up the hammer and then destroying the wall.

100 1 1000