#ABC264B. [ABC264B] Nice Grid

[ABC264B] Nice Grid

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

Print the color of the cell at the RR-th row from the top and CC-th column from the left in the following grid with 1515 vertical rows and 1515 horizontal columns.


  • 1R,C151 \leq R, C \leq 15
  • RR and CC are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



In the grid above, if the color of the cell at the RR-th row from the top and CC-th column from the left is black, then print black; if the cell is white, then print white. Note that the judge is case-sensitive.

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In the grid above, the cell at the 33-rd row from the top and 55-th column from the left is black. Thus, black should be printed.

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In the grid above, the cell at the 44-th row from the top and 55-th column from the left is white. Thus, white should be printed.