#ABC247B. [ABC247B] Unique Nicknames

[ABC247B] Unique Nicknames

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

There are NN people numbered Person 11, Person 22, \dots, and Person NN. Person ii has a family name sis_i and a given name tit_i.

Consider giving a nickname to each of the NN people. Person ii's nickname aia_i should satisfy all the conditions below.

  • aia_i coincides with Person ii's family name or given name. In other words, ai=sia_i = s_i and/or ai=tia_i = t_i holds.
  • aia_i does not coincide with the family name and the given name of any other person. In other words, for all integer jj such that 1jN1 \leq j \leq N and iji \neq j, it holds that aisja_i \neq s_j and aitja_i \neq t_j.

Is it possible to give nicknames to all the NN people? If it is possible, print Yes; otherwise, print No.


  • 2N1002 \leq N \leq 100
  • NN is an integer.
  • sis_i and tit_i are strings of lengths between 11 and 1010 (inclusive) consisting of lowercase English alphabets.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


s1s_1 t1t_1

s2s_2 t2t_2


sNs_N tNt_N


If it is possible to give nicknames to all the NN people, print Yes; otherwise, print No.

tanaka taro
tanaka jiro
suzuki hanako

The following assignment satisfies the conditions of nicknames described in the Problem Statement: a1=a_1 = taro, a2=a_2 = jiro, a3=a_3 = hanako. (a3a_3 may be suzuki, too.) However, note that we cannot let a1=a_1 = tanaka, which violates the second condition of nicknames, since Person 22's family name s2s_2 is tanaka too.

aaa bbb
xxx aaa
bbb yyy

There is no way to give nicknames satisfying the conditions in the Problem Statement.

tanaka taro
tanaka taro

There may be a pair of people with the same family name and the same given name.

takahashi chokudai
aoki kensho
snu ke

We can let a1=a_1 = chokudai, a2=a_2 = kensho, and a3=a_3 = ke.