#ABC246E. [ABC246E] Bishop 2

[ABC246E] Bishop 2

Score : 500500 points

During the time of the contest, the memory limit was set to 2GB. However, due to a change in the judging environment, the memory limit has now been set to 1GB. Please note that it has been confirmed that solutions can still achieve an Acceptable Completion (AC) within this memory limit.

Problem Statement

We have an N×NN \times N chessboard. Let (i,j)(i, j) denote the square at the ii-th row from the top and jj-th column from the left of this board. The board is described by NN strings SiS_i. The jj-th character of the string SiS_i, Si,jS_{i,j}, means the following.

  • If Si,j=S_{i,j}= ., the square (i,j)(i, j) is empty.
  • If Si,j=S_{i,j}= #, the square (i,j)(i, j) is occupied by a white pawn, which cannot be moved or removed.

We have put a white bishop on the square (Ax,Ay)(A_x, A_y). Find the minimum number of moves needed to move this bishop from (Ax,Ay)(A_x, A_y) to (Bx,By)(B_x, B_y) according to the rules of chess (see Notes). If it cannot be moved to (Bx,By)(B_x, B_y), report -1 instead.


A white bishop

on the square (i,j)(i, j) can go to the following positions in one move.

  • For each positive integer dd, it can go to (i+d,j+d)(i+d,j+d) if all of the conditions are satisfied.
    • The square (i+d,j+d)(i+d,j+d) exists in the board.
    • For every positive integer ldl \le d, (i+l,j+l)(i+l,j+l) is not occupied by a white pawn.
  • For each positive integer dd, it can go to (i+d,jd)(i+d,j-d) if all of the conditions are satisfied.
    • The square (i+d,jd)(i+d,j-d) exists in the board.
    • For every positive integer ldl \le d, (i+l,jl)(i+l,j-l) is not occupied by a white pawn.
  • For each positive integer dd, it can go to (id,j+d)(i-d,j+d) if all of the conditions are satisfied.
    • The square (id,j+d)(i-d,j+d) exists in the board.
    • For every positive integer ldl \le d, (il,j+l)(i-l,j+l) is not occupied by a white pawn.
  • For each positive integer dd, it can go to (id,jd)(i-d,j-d) if all of the conditions are satisfied.
    • The square (id,jd)(i-d,j-d) exists in the board.
    • For every positive integer ldl \le d, (il,jl)(i-l,j-l) is not occupied by a white pawn.


  • 2N15002 \le N \le 1500
  • 1Ax,AyN1 \le A_x,A_y \le N
  • 1Bx,ByN1 \le B_x,B_y \le N
  • (Ax,Ay)(Bx,By)(A_x,A_y) \neq (B_x,B_y)
  • SiS_i is a string of length NN consisting of . and #.
  • SAx,Ay=S_{A_x,A_y}= .
  • SBx,By=S_{B_x,B_y}= .


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


AxA_x AyA_y

BxB_x ByB_y






Print the answer.

1 3
3 5

We can move the bishop from (1,3)(1,3) to (3,5)(3,5) in three moves as follows, but not in two or fewer moves.

  • $(1,3) \rightarrow (2,2) \rightarrow (4,4) \rightarrow (3,5)$
3 2
4 2

There is no way to move the bishop from (3,2)(3,2) to (4,2)(4,2).

18 1
1 18