#ABC246B. [ABC246B] Get Closer

[ABC246B] Get Closer

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

From the point (0,0)(0,0) in a two-dimensional plane, let us move the distance of 11 toward the point (A,B)(A, B). Find our coordinates after the move.

Here, after moving the distance of dd from a point XX to a point YY (dd \le length of the segment XYXY), we are at the point on the segment XYXY whose distance from XX is dd. The Constraints guarantee that the distance between the points (0,0)(0, 0) and (A,B)(A, B) is at least 11.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • 0A,B10000 \le A,B \le 1000
  • (A,B)(0,0)(A,B) \neq (0,0)


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Let (x,y)(x, y) be our coordinates after the move. Print xx and yy in this order, separated by a space. Your output is considered correct when, for each printed value, the absolute or relative error from the judge's answer is at most 10610^{-6}.

3 4
0.600000000000 0.800000000000

Printing 0.5999999999 0.8000000001, for example, would also be accepted.

1 0
1.000000000000 0.000000000000

We may arrive at (A,B)(A, B).

246 402
0.521964870245 0.852966983083