#ABC243A. [ABC243A] Shampoo

[ABC243A] Shampoo

Score : 100100 points

Problem Statement

Three people live in Takahashi's house: Takahashi, his father, and his mother. All of them wash their hair in the bathroom each night. His father, his mother, and Takahashi take a bath in this order and use AA, BB, and CC milliliters of shampoo, respectively.

This morning, the bottle contained VV milliliters of shampoo. Without refilling, who will be the first to run short of shampoo to wash their hair?


  • 1V,A,B,C1051 \leq V,A,B,C \leq 10^5
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If the first person to run short of shampoo to wash their hair is Takahashi's father, print F; if it is Takahashi's mother, print M; if it is Takahashi, print T.

25 10 11 12

Now, they have 2525 milliliters of shampoo.

  • First, Takahashi's father uses 1010 milliliters, leaving 1515.
  • Next, Takahashi's mother uses 1111 milliliters, leaving 44.
  • Finally, Takahashi tries to use 1212 milliliters and runs short of shampoo since only 44 is remaining.
30 10 10 10

Now, they have 3030 milliliters of shampoo.

  • First, Takahashi's father uses 1010 milliliters, leaving 2020.
  • Next, Takahashi's mother uses 1010 milliliters, leaving 1010.
  • Then, Takahashi uses 1010 milliliters, leaving 00.
  • Next day, Takahashi's father tries to use 1010 milliliters and runs short of shampoo since only 00 is remaining.
100000 1 1 1